And there were shepherds residing in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. Just then, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid! For behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today in the City of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord! Luke 2:8-11
This week’s featured friend is JoDitt Williams from I had the privilege of having JoDitt guest blog with me this week. She is sharing 6 Keys to Delighting in the Lord. She is also sharing her new Coloring Book full of beautiful verses to color. Hop over to her post and download sample pages. Thanks for being with us, JoDitt, I am glad you are here.
You all are amazing writers who share Family and Faith, DIY’s, Recipes, Photos, Giveaways, Homeschool and more. Many of you have amazing journeys of faith and I praise the Lord we are able to connect here!
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It's the greatest story of love and a wonderful time to reflect on all we have in our relationship with Jesus!
I just love Christmas. I know that is not the case for everyone but I find the story of God coming to be with us too big not to love. I am glad you are here, friend!
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks for stopping by every week, Debbie! I'm glad you're here.
This is a completely random thought, but I smiled when I saw the title of this post because it makes me wonder: were the shepherds friends, and were they "sitting among friends" as they watched their flocks. I hope so.
Thanks, Jaime, for meeting us here each week!
Those are funny thoughts, Michelle. I would imagine the scene was bright enough that it could have been seen across a field but I wonder if they did sit together and talk. They certainly saw the same thing and traveled to see baby Jesus together. I would imagine having a moment like that would certainly bind you as friends. You're funny! Thanks for being here every week, friend.
Jaime- I love that God always shows us His love, in the great big thing and in the little!
Thank you for hosting and showing us His love!
Always! In the tiny spirit as He came as a newborn babe to the magnitude of His Passion He showed for us on the cross. We just was a crucifixion story last weekend and I it is so hard to watch re-enactments, I can't imagine laying my eyes on the real deal. I sit and watch in amazement. As Christ takes every blow, It's hard to fathom that He did it for me. For any of us, really. And to start off as a newborn, so vulnerable and fragile. I am glad He chose love. Praise God! Thanks for being here with us, Julie.
Oh yes, I choose to BELIEVE!
Amen, Sister! Thanks for sharing your heart and we are certainly glad you are here!
I love how you write with such passion about the Lord's passion and love for us, Jaime! It's truly a mind-blowing truth that we need to let soak into our hearts. I'm so glad you're breaking it down for us even in the way that a shepherd cares for his not-so-perfect sheep. We truly are loved! Thank you for your linkups, my friend!
My heart, my friend! I am committed to share it. God has done so much to set me free, I pray that only comes out in leading others and pointing to Him. I am so glad you are here and thank you so much for the encouragement, weekly, Beth.
I like your story about the meaning of Xmas than the ones that are out there. I do believe that someone watches over my sorry butt, it is nice to that we do have a shepherd watching over me.
I will believe in the shepherd for the Christmas and not the Wal-Mart Christmas that everyone believes in. (Sorry, if I sound jaded, just don't like this time of year).
I know this time of year can be difficult for many people and I am sorry for that. I pray that God can give you a hope and a reason to celebrate new life in Him and while the world may be expecting one thing we can rest in the Peace and Hope we find in Christ and the cross. I do hope you have a Merry Christmas, my friend!
Inspiring post, Jaime! Love it!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words, June. I am truly glad you are here sharing with us today!