Face to Face with New Life
Much of my life was not spent in living an abundant life in Christ. Sure, I thought that I had a life. Sure, I thought it was eternal. But I had never really sat face to face with Jesus. In fact, I had spent much of my time running in the opposite direction. New life wasn’t something I grasped.
The most well-known verse in the Bible, John 3:16, was something I could rattle off of my tongue in my sleep. But like the man Jesus was talking to in these verses, I didn’t quite grasp the love, the life eternal, and the new life that is offered by Jesus.
So There Was a Man
And there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. John 3:1 (BLB)
This man was not just any man of the synagogue, he was a ruler He was a Pharisee and a lawyer. If disputes are to be made among the rulers, these are the men that are gathered. We see Nicodemus appear later in requesting Jesus get due process of the law in John 7.
He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with him.” John 3:2 (BSB)
I can completely relate to Nicodemus in the verses. Sadly, I lived much of my life ashamed to come out in the light of day to know Jesus. I think if we are honest, as believers, we often struggle with the people around us knowing we want to know Jesus more or even that we know Him at all.
Jesus is Personal
What I love about this interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus is that I can picture, Jesus, sitting right up close with someone who has to come in the cloak of darkness to Him more. Jesus seeks a personal intimate relationship with each of us and this man was no different.
Jesus got personal with Nicodemus. Nicodemus was not condemned for his late night covert operation. Jesus welcomed him into a conversation about who He truly is.
Nicodemus had one understanding of God at this point in his life. He knew access to God was limited through the vail. He most certainly would have known that God had not been present behind that vail for hundreds of years. To be up close and personal with someone who he believed was with God had to be astonishing.
Jesus’ signs and miracles were evidence of who He was. Nicodemus knew these signs pointed Him in the direction he wanted to understand more. Although Nicodemus came in the dark of the night, he had a purpose to understand his own soul. And without hesitation, he jumps right into this subject.
Born Again
Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3 (NLT)
This is a very interesting statement. It baffles Nicodemus. What is Jesus talking about? Born again? How could he go back into his mother’s womb?
Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. John 3:5 (NLT)
Jesus gives us all hope in this one phrase. He tells Nicodemus, “I assure you”. If you have ever questioned your faith, questioned if God is who He says, questioned Jesus and His authority. You can take ahold of verses such as this. Share on XChrist assures us. We can know whether we can enter the kingdom of God or not. Without believing in Christ and putting our trust in Him, repenting, and accepting his gift of salvation, we cannot enter heaven.
Born again does not mean we go back to being an infant in our mother’s womb. We know that is not happening. Jesus tells Nicodemus if you don’t understand earthly things (going back to your mother’s womb) how are you going to understand things of heaven.
Heavenly things — because Christ died for us on the cross, we can be born into new life with Him. the new life or new beginning is of the Spirit.
I Just Don’t Know
I have to be honest, there are somethings in my faith that I just don’t know and understand. That does not make them any less credible or believable. It just makes my trust in Christ stretch farther.
Although we would like a clear explanation of how the moving of the Spirit works, Jesus continues on in verse 8.
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 (NIV)
I cannot explain about the day I received Christ as Savior. Having come to the realization that I was a sinner in need of a Savior and to be with Jesus in heaven I needed to admit my sin, ask for forgiveness, and ask Jesus to come and live inside me.
I cannot explain the things that the Spirit was doing in me to make this decision. I don’t know how the Spirit operates in this manner. But I can be confident that He does. I can be assured of my Salvation as a result of Him breathing new life into me. And I can have blessed assurance that one day, I will get to see Jesus face to face.
Great Love
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV)
This verse is a cornerstone in the Christian faith. Yet, it’s so drastic, that it seems unreal.
This is not a love that we know by any other name. Sacrificial, never-ending, unfailing love. That God would send His one and only Son, to save an undeserving sinful wretched soul such as myself. To take the punishment that I deserve and lay it on His Son so I can breath new life.
I can see why the Christian faith seems so unbelievable. This kind of love has its own name. It is the name Jesus.
Jesus went to the cross for my sins and yours. He was placed on heaven's alter and sacrificed in our place. Share on XI have to admit, I don’t know many people that I would take a punch for, let alone willingly lay down my life.
Yet some 2000 years ago, Jesus did exactly that.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
For my sins, He allowed Himself to be beaten, slapped in the face, and spit upon. A crown of glory that was meant to mock Him will one day bring me into glory. He was speared, nailed, and hung to die on a tree on Calvary’s Hill.
For me.
For you.
No, I can’t explain it but I can claim it. Christ assures us it is for us to take and when we do, we may enter the kingdom of God.
Choose New Life
Dear Friends, if you have not made the decision to accept Christ as your personal Savior, don’t hesitate. The Bible says one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus Christ as Lord. The decision is not if but when. The decision has both immediate and eternal impact.
If you have not made that decision, I would love to talk with you further. I don’t want you to miss the breath of new life that can penetrate your soul. Life of the Spirit. One that can not be obtained by any human effort or achievement. One ordained only by God Himself.
If you would like to further learn how you can make a decision to accept Christ, here is a great resource. PeaceWithGod.net
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Jaime so much here in one post.
I can’t explain it either, but I know the more I study, the more I learn, and the more I know Him the more I fall in love. I just wish my walk with Him had been this strong when I was younger. I knew Him, but I didn’t KNOW Him.
Debbie, I hear you. I wish my walk with Christ was stronger when I was younger. Lately, I have struggled with the wasted time. I know that is not from God because everything He has been able to use. But now, I want my time to be spent for His Glory and using it for the things of heaven. It is a tough balance. I find the more I study the more I love Him but the more I study, it seems the less I know. He is way outside my boxes of knowledge. Blessings and thanks for joining us!
Reading these words, I’m gob smacked by the image of New Life and that amazing metaphor of being “born again.” We’ve lost the wonder with so much mishandling of the words and the familiarity of it all gets in the way of this unexplain-able and yet very real gift from God!
What an amazing gift. I don’t have to be in rebellion with God. I can not only experience peace with God but the peace of God. New Life. Made new. Constant Renewing until we one day reach glory. Not the old self that quite frankly, I despised quite often. A new self, made right with God. What a miracle that He does in us and for us. So glad you are here, friend!
I’ve had a few heavy-duty face-to-face Jesus moments! They changed me.
That’s awesome, Susan. The stories that He writes in our lives. Someday, we will have eternity to spill over Him. Let’s meet up. I would love to hear them face to face with you, friend!
I just wrote about not having all the answers in faith (my article in this linkup!) so I enjoyed reading your perspective on how you simply can’t explain certain aspects of your faith. But you have the assurance of the Holy Spirit, who provides us with peace in the fact that we can’t explain everything when it comes to our faith and our God!
My little girl asked me last night when I was reading some scriptures to her. Why does God…? I had to tell her I don’t know and I was okay with telling her that. I am okay with not having all the answers. I walk by faith and although I have great experiences with my sight, great understanding with my mind, I also have great ones where I just don’t know because God blows anything I might know out of the little box I could contain Him in. That is awesome. Not mindless, not unknowing. Awesome. Quite honestly, if God was a small as I could understand, He would be that impressive. He constantly rocks my socks off and that is a faith that I have grown to love dearly. Blessings, Emily.
I truly cherish the moments in His presence. I am constantly amazed that He desires ME, just as I am! Thank you, Jamie for these wonderful, life-giving, anointed words!
I am with you, Becky. These are truly cherished moments. Ones that bring us closer to God and enjoying peace in His presence. Isn’t that so precious that He desires us? What a gift and treasure that cannot be found in the things of this world. Thanks for stopping by today, friend!
Yes, Jesus is personal. I think I need a little “Jesus time.” Thank you for your beautiful words. They left my heart smiling.
I love Maree that He knows me by name. I know that thought is tossed around so much but He does. He set each star in their place and called them by name. All those stars and He still knows them. How much more desperately loves us, His most cherished creation. Can you imagine? Yes, Jesus is personal. Blessings to you dear friend!
I have been so blessed with the series about those who came face-to-face with Jesus! I just had a face-to-face with Him this week, and it sent me so surprised into a deeper surrender. I love that phrase that you emphasized here, “Jesus assured him.” Oh what a solid rock to fix our questions on–HE is sure!!
Oh, sweet Bettie. You are truly encouraging me today. You know there are times when I write and wonder if what God reveals to me and leads me to write will make sense to anyone but myself. Out of obedience to the One I love, I do it anyway. I am like you this week, I love how those words stood out to me. “He assured him.” He could have left us to our own accord spinning crazily on this planet but He knew. He knew there would be times we would need assurance. I love how He knows us to the depth of our hearts. I am so glad to hear your story of being taken deeper this week with your own face to face moment with Jesus. Don’t you just love that He still surprises us? What a great testimony. I would love to hear it sometime. Have a wonderful week!
Oh, I am so glad that the Lord spoke that word of “assurance” to you to emphasize this week! My story is actually in the post that I linked up here. That was part of why I was so blessed by your words here, and the ways that the Lord used them to assure me that He was in the surrender that I had offered to Him. He is so good to meet with us face-to-face!
It is so great how He shows up where we may not expect it. Teaching us the sweetness of what we are learning. I will hope over and check out your story. Thanks for sharing here, Bettie.
Jaime, this is a powerful post. I’m pinning and sharing. May God use it in the lives of those who don’t know Him!
Donna, thank you! It is all for Him. Bringing the Bible closer to the hearts of others so they, too, can experience Him. So glad you are joining us this week and bringing all your wisdom to this group. <3