Face to Face with True Worship
Recently while at Bible Study I heard Jesus whisper in my heart. Go home and bow down. It sounded like such a strange request. I thought God, I love you, do I really need to do this? The reply. Yes, go home with your face to the ground, bow down.
Now I can see how this may sound crazy, but when you have spent time in the word, God will teach you, rebuke you, correct you and train you up in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) Sometimes, this comes from the Holy Spirit whispering to your soul. This day, this spirit led worship was clearly teaching me what it meant to bow before The King.
So I did. I have to be honest, at first, it was awkward. But I wanted to be obedient. So I went home. Got down on my living room floor and as I brought my face to the ground the tears began to pour down my face. I bowed there. In silence. Being still before God.
It has been so long since I just bowed before Jesus with nothing to say. Just obedience to the whispers in my heart. Recognizing Him as my King and object of true worship. I laid there and the tears just kept coming. And I stayed that way until He lifted me off the floor.
Today in our story we are going to be traveling to the other side of the Mount of Olives to a town called Bethany. There we are going to witness the story of two sisters, Mary and Martha.
A Welcoming Home
As they traveled along, Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. Luke 10:38 (BSB)
Jesus had been friends with Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus. We know this from the interactions we see in John that they were dear friends of one another (John 11:5). It is also quite possible that when Jesus retreated to Bethany that he found rest at their house (Matthew 21:17).
This day, Martha welcomes Jesus into her home as she may have done before, and as any good hostess would do she begins the preparations for her beloved guest.
She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to His message. Luke 10:39 (BSB)
Mary welcomed Jesus in a very different way. She sat at His feet and took in all that He was teaching.
Jesus had to of taught Mary and Martha that He was the Messiah, the Son of God because they believed that deep in their heart (John 11:27).
What does it mean to sit at the feet of Jesus?
Mary was at quite a preferential advantage to this type of view. Hearing the words of the Son of God straight from The Word Himself while reclining at His feet. At times, I am envious of Mary’s view and seated place. I can’t imagine sitting with Jesus on more than one occasion and being able to show my love to Him face to face.
Mary wasn’t just an admirer of Jesus, she loved Him and she was loved by Him and called His friend. While Jesus was traveling from town to town He met many along the way but these friends had a special place in Jesus’ heart.
It could have something to do with them opening their doors to Him when He needed a quiet retreat. Even more importantly they opened their hearts to Him as true worshippers.
Sitting at Jesus’ feet meant Mary could hear first hand as He described His mission as Son of God. He disclosed this to His disciples and to Mary and Martha as well. (John 11:24)
Although we can feel like our seating is on the outside looking in as we read these Bible stories. Our vantage point is quite different from Mary and Martha’s.
This side of the cross we can have the Holy Spirit living and dwelling inside us. As he leads and guides us we are more than sitting at His feet, we are the dwelling place, the tabernacle of the Living God. Share on X Now that is pretty amazing!
The Many Distractions
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations to be made. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me!” Luke 10:40 (BSB)
There are so many things that can distract us from worship and the moment they distract us they hinder our true worship. They keep us from worshiping in spirit and in truth.
This classic story of two sisters seems interwoven with the conflicting sisters. What I believe the true conflict is our heart for pure worship. Coming to Christ with our distractions, our to-do lists, our daddy-do lists, our pride, our self-centeredness, and our self-righteousness –just to name a few– breaks the line worship. True worship starts with a repentant sincere heart.
We come with our presuppositions about what is going to occur and we miss the very thing God is really trying to teach us. We come to worship with our worries, our gripes, our greed and our busy schedules and we want that really good thing to be a really quick thing.
The Worried Worship
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord replied, “you are worried and upset about many things. Luke 10:41 (BSB)
Martha was not able to focus on who was in her house because she was more worried about the proper placement of the things in her house, including her sister. Instead of worrying about setting the table she should have been setting her heart right.
I just love her interjection, don’t you? Isn’t it so like us. We assume that someone else is doing something so wrong that we just go right in for the correction.
I am sure if Martha is anything like I am, she was just a stewing. Stewing up new worries and maybe even ones that were not there. Rolling over in her thoughts the thing she might say to get her sister’s attention to help. Her heart is so blurred by her inaccurate perception of her situation and what her sister is doing she says to Jesus, “Don’t you care?”
We can be most assured that Jesus does care. He cares so much that He sent His Son to die to show us how much He cares. Share on XBefore she allows Jesus to answer, assuming she knows what He is going to say, she tells Him how to correct Mary.
I don’t know about you, but when I try and tell God how things are going to go down, it doesn’t end pretty for me.
I love that Jesus’ rebuke to Martha is gentle and mild. “Martha, Martha. You are upset.”
The Only One Thing
But only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 (BSB)
Jesus tells Martha. Martha, there is one thing that is necessary. Mary has chosen it. AND what she has chosen and learned while sitting at My feet, will not be taken away from her.
While at the well, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”John 4:23-24 (NIV)
The Father is seeking true worshipers. He is seeking ones who will worship Him in both the spirit they have inside, which is connected to Him by the Holy Spirit and with sincere hearts.
It’s not about posture, placement, or even servanthood. It’s about the Lord who created the Heavens and the Earth. The one who knit your very soul in His image. The one who moved heaven and earth to walk among His people.
Mary was commended for her true worship. Her heart was not distracted by the day but enveloped in the One Good Thing she was supposed to be worshiping.
Why is this so amazing for us?
Friends, I am so encouraged by Jesus’ response today. Put yourself in this story. Where it says Martha, insert your name like this and let Jesus whisper into your heart…
Jaime Jaime, you are worried about so many things. Let them go. Chose the only one thing that is necessary and take the time to truly worship me. Put down your to-do lists and the worries that are weighing down your heart. Lay them all down right here at my feet. Come and sit and let me teach you. I will be your good portion each day. You have so many things distracting you and fighting for your attention. I know you are needed by so many people and I know you want to get it just right. Remember what I give you each day will not be taken away from you. Come. Sit. Just Be.
Personal Reflections:
- How do you feel when you worship with a distracted worried heart? How can you change that?
- What do you do to allow yourself to worship the Only One thing that is necessary?
- What can you do in your day to free up some time for worship?
- Can you relate more to Martha than Mary? What is one step you can take today to be more like Mary?
- This week as you come face to face with your worship, do you have anything you can repent so that your time spent with Jesus is with a pure heart? Share on X
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So good! I recently did a mini word study for something I was writing and it’s interesting the Greek word often translated to “worry” in our English Bibles, comes from a word that means divided or disunited. When our mind wander from what is necessary they become divided. Beautiful post. Blessings!
Thank you for honoring that faithful servant with this post, and for sharing the body/soul connection that you have been exploring in your own worship.
It’s in the bowing… I get it, Jaime. He likes to say to me, “GET ON YOUR KNEES.” But, Lord, my knees…
I definitely relate to Martha more than I would like in regards to feeling like I’m too busy to sit at the feet of Jesus and simply soak in His words. But when I have my moments of bowing down to Him, like you, the tears come! Those are moments I cherish and desire more of in my relationship with Christ.
Beautiful post! Sometimes I find my most meaningful time with God is when all I do is call out to him by name and nothing more. I have found words do not always need to be uttered.
I love how you turned Jesus’ words to Martha back around to confront our own hearts! He does call us away from the things that weigh us down so easily! He is so gentle to meet us in our deepest hearts!
Jaime, I really appreciate this series. It’s so rich and very powerful. Thanks for sharing what God has been teaching you. Blessings!
Jaime, this is such a vulnerable and heart-felt post. The Lord has been teaching me a lot about true worship over the last few months. But you added such fresh and new insight. This…”We come with our presuppositions about what is going to occur and we miss the very thing God is really trying to teach us. We come to worship with our worries, our gripes, our greed and our busy schedules and we want that really good thing to be a really quick thing.” So true! Thank you for these wonderful reminders pointing our hearts back to true worship.