I have small children and one thing I want for them is to know God’s Word and be able to hide it in their hearts. As a mom, I want to choose materials that aide in that process while remaining faithful to Biblical truth.
Has the content or meaning been distorted in any way?
Has a true story been changed to be too much like a fairytale ?
Can I correct any misleadings or are the pictures too impactful?

Will my children be able to make better sense of the Bible?
*What things do you look for in choosing children’s Bible based literature? Share with us below in the comments and share this post so your friends can join in the conversations.*
You can check my review of the ESV Family Devotional Bible here. We are loving this devotional at my house. All the devotions are actually contained within a full version of the Bible. That’s a bonus in my book!
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Kelly from Raising Samuels.
Kelly is a homeschooling mom that shares her faith and love of family at Raising Samuels. Every week we are encouraged through through updates, lesson ideas, and enriching materials. Thanks Kelly for joining us here.
While you’re here, sit down with some of my friends.
WOW! I know Summer is busy so I thank you all for coming here and for the 97 Amazing posts. This party has been wonderful and it is thanks to you, friends, who link-up with us and those who stop by and read and SHARE! Thank you!
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Love your message in this post. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for stopping, Michelle. I am always happy to see you!
Jamie, I love this post! Such a practical tool for discernment in the ongoing process of feeding our children's faith. Pinned! Thank you as always for hosting so graciously! π
Your message is right on and I love the new featured friend, Kelly is wonderful and one of our Hostess over at #OMHGWW.
Thanks for hosting and stopping by this week to share your blog!
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks for featuring me as friend of the week, Jaime! It is much appreciated! I love the scripture and the message of your post today. It is so important that kids do get the truth from the Bible, and not the watered down fairy tale version. Awesome article, my friend! Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting π
Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday, Jaime! Hope to see you link up again this week π
Beautiful in the truth kids need to KNOW the Bible isn't a fairytale. Thanks Jaime!
I, too, am passionate about raising up our children to be strong Christ followers who walk in His truth!
Such great advice! I will have to bookmark this for when I have children. Happy to be your neighbor at the #RaRaLinkup!
Very nice. Enjoyed this post. Thanks for it.
Thank you for the great tips!
My friend, I can't tell you how many times I prayed Proverbs 22:6 over myself. In fact I still do. Raising Godly children is our first calling as Christ-following women, but as we all know it's not easy. Thanks for these tips!
Oh how I loved Awana growing up Jaime. At that point in my life, I really enjoyed the games we played at the end but some of the scripture memorization has stayed with me over the years. Although I did not always "apply" those scriptures to my life. I really like your thought process regarding bible stories vs. fairy tales. I know my mother is always searching for quality material for her grandchildren. I will have to mention the Bible you recommend too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for hosting this blog party. Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and yours in all your endeavors!
Thank you Jaime for the party for us to share our links.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend!
I love the way you screen the children's material you use to teach. I agree that some of the cartoon type stories and videos seem more like a fairy tale than a Gospel true story.
The bible club programs are great for children. We attended Good News clubs, and Vacation Bible School, as well as Sunday School every Sunday. Each morning my mother read to us from the Bible and we learned a verse for the week. God is good. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.
This is true. We should never underestimate the wisdom of children and their ability to understand the scripture. Best way to spend time with them too is by sharing God's words. π
Great post and Blog Hop. I loved sharing Bible stories with my children, too. Whether it was Awana, S.S. or at home, they really do learn fast. Thanks for sharing your great post at Together on Tuesdays π
These are fantastic questions to ask when screening these materials, Jaime. With so many parents serving as homeschool parents as well, it is so wise to screen materials carefully before using them!
blessings, friend!
Hey Jaime,
I found your post today on Moment of Hope!
Great questions to consider when selecting Bible study materials for your kids! Love these ideas.
Also, I signed up to be reminded about your link up. I'm going to try to start joining in.
Thanks for being an encourager!
Blessings to you~
I totally agree with you. We water down Christianity. We water down Christ. The Bible is your best resource. Wonderful suggestions. I hope my newest children's book teaches children to live in the Kingdom of God with their gifts and to rely on Him always. Prayer is an important part of my story.
Hey Jaime, hope you are doing well this week. Thanks for letting us share our parties with your readers!! HAve a great week!
My kids are grown now, but I had the same concerns about children's Bible stories when mine were little. I really tried to keep strictly to the story and find books that had realistic looking pix rather than cartoons. It's hard enough to help children learn that the stories from the Bible are different from fairy tales without teaching showing them cartoonish pictures. Great advice and questions to keep in mind … maybe for the grandkids!! π
Thanks for linking up with us at Family Joy Blog Link Up Party this week!
Great guidelines. I love both the Jesus Story Bible and the Big Picture Story Bible because I think they are pretty faithful to the biblical meaning. I've never been a fan of Veggie Tales-type Bible stories because I want the kids to take the Bible seriously, and I think it's hard to take talking veggies seriously. (They have some great non-Biblical but moral stuff.) Thanks for sharing at the #LMMLinkup.