Face to Face
I remember thinking for a long time if I could just sit down with Jesus, face to face. If I could just walk with Him. If I could just talk to Him. Just like I was sitting down with a friend. My faith would be so much stronger. It would be unmovable as I sat next to the unshakable Creator of my soul.
Even if it was for a moment. It would be something I could treasure and never let go. Life would be so different. My doubts and fears could disappear because I would see Him clearly. Worries would vanish at His sight. My insecurities and feelings of unworthiness would be wiped away from my being and He gazed into my heart.
Oh, how I long for the day that actually happens! Until then I will wait because blessed are those who have not seen and still believe. (John 20:29)
Like Thomas, I have had my share of questions and doubts. Jesus, however, wasn’t afraid to prove to Thomas it was truly Him, in the flesh. Touch my hands. See my side. And it changed Thomas. And although Jesus didn’t reprimand Thomas for questioning Him, He says those of us who believe without seeing, are the ones that are blessed.
Our faith lies in the confident hope and assurance in what we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1)
Dive Deeper
I am so excited to look deeper into the heart of Jesus. I am ready to have a more intimate relationship with Him. If you have been joining me here, we just went on the most remarkable journey. Walking with the people Jesus walked with and saw how He impacted them.
Over the next six weeks (starting next week), we are going to sit down with Jesus. In the most intimate way He allows. Time meditating on Him in His Word. This is one of the most important things we can do as believers. It allows us that intimacy. It allows us that face to face time that we crave.
Exploring the treasure trove (a store of valuable and delightful things) into God’s heart we can find our true worth and have our doubts shattered.
We are going to sit face to face with Jesus and Moses. We are going to wipe the tears of the woman at Simon’s house, and we are going to sit by the moonlight with Nicodemus. This is going to be a great time of sharing our own intimate moments. I am so glad you are joining me here.
Before you go. I would love to hear from you in the comments.
- Have you had or do you have times that feel more intimate with Jesus?
- Was it a season of life or a way of life?
- What do those times look like? Do you crave those times?
- Do you miss Jesus when those times seem to be a faded memory?
- What do you do to have new memories with Him?
Linkup with Sitting Among Friends Blog Party
Blog Parties are such a great place to meet people and build connections around the web. This is one reason, I love this party. Please make sure to visit another friend in the linkup!
I would love to sit down face-to-face with you but since we can’t do that I love to meet you here. I love to hear your stories and see your work.
This is a Christian based website and so is the material that I promote here. Please remember that when linking up. I do reserve the right to remove posts.
*Please take the time to visit other blogs to comment and share*
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Jaime, I clearly remember a season in which I felt very distant from God and made it worse by refusing to read the Bible — I wanted Him to “speak to me personally,” and was indignant that I was expected to gain comfort and direction from a written word.
God used that time to change my direction, and I’m so thankful now for the truth of God’s Word and the miracle of meeting with Him.
I have a very intimate relationship with Jesus. But it hasn’t always been that way. My love relationship began after partaking in a bible study titled, Falling in Love with Jesus. It’s quite an old study now, but it made a world of difference in how I viewed God, and furthermore- how He viewed me! My most intimate times with the Lord are always spent in one of two places- during worship, or during quiet prayer time. It’s in those places that He visits, and we sit and talk. It’s beautiful.
Looking forward to your next series!
I want to stay close to Jesus every day, that’s why I love my Daily Time with Him. The habit helps keep my heart consistently pointed toward Him, even in the mundane.
My most intimate times with Jesus are when I pray beforehand, asking Him to give me wisdom and a listening ear to whatever He has for me during this time. It’s amazing the difference that prayer makes!
Love Hebrews 11:1, Jaimie. Thank you for encouraging us to go deeper!
Yes, I too would love to sit face to face with Jesus, flesh to flesh. One day we will get to be with him more fully than we are now, and what a day that will be!
I would love to sit with Jesus or better yet walk with Jesus admiring his handiwork. I feel like I do that sometimes when I am out enjoying his creation.
I would really love to sit down with Jesus.My times are when I am alone in the house. I really treasure these moments. I switch off the television and radio and there is complete silence. I read and study the Bible.I can stay like this for hours.
Thank you for encouraging me to continue in this habit.