3 Ways to a Sweeter Prayer Life
If there is one thing that I often hear Christians say it is that they want to “do better”. Maybe that means reading their Bible more or having a sweeter prayer life or being more intentional in acts and deeds.
Does any of that sound familiar to you?
I believe this statement comes from the fact that even after putting our trust and faith in Jesus, our human nature, which is a sin nature, still often rules in our lives. I believe the Apostle Paul said it best in his letter to Rome
So this is the principle I have discovered: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s Law. But I see another law at work in my body, warring against the law of my mind and holding me captive to the law of sin that dwells within me. Romans 7:21-23 (BSB)
Although we want to do better and do what is right, there is a war going on inside of us. The good news is that God rules over all and He can certainly rule over our hearts and minds if we trust Him.
One area where we can be more intentional in or trust God more deeply in is prayer. I am not going to try and give you a perfect formula for prayer. Prayer is the communication between you and God. If this is an area that you struggle with. Ask God to guide and direct you.
This post is going to address three ways to that will help you to see that the communication between you and your Heavenly Father can come in many forms. Hopefully, you will be encouraged to trust Him more as you seek this time with Him.
Set Your Eyes on Scripture
One way to pray is to set your eyes on Scripture. This is not something that I do often but have been doing more for this one reason. I want to do what the will of the Father is.
You may be asking yourself, What is the will of God? How do I know if what I am doing, thinking or saying is the in line with His good and perfect will? Share on XAll Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:13-17 (BSB)
The Scriptures were given to us so that we would be fully equipped to do every good work. The will of God is to make us complete as we put our full faith and trust in Him.
Submitting ourselves to His Holy Word is His will. He gave us the scripture so we can align our life with Him. Praying His words back to Him would be praying in His will.
In Matthew 6, Jesus is teaching the disciples about ways to live according to the Father. In Matthew 6: 9 He teaches them how to pray and not pray.
“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,” Matthew 6:9 (NIV)
Jesus gave a perfect guide to pray the scripture.
Here are a few more suggestions and examples of scripture to pray back to God.
- Pray the attributes or qualities of God back to Him. (Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature– Praise you God for Your eternal power)
- Pray the names of God back to Him worshipping Him for who He is. (El-Roi “The God who sees” – Thank you for being the God who sees me)
- Read the Psalms as a prayer. (Psalm 19:14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.)
- Find verses that speak of Jesus and pray that God reveals new things or brings your attention to certain parts. Then praise Him for the things He has revealed to you. (When reading Matthew 6:9, something that may stand out to you is hallowed be your name. Hallowed means Holy. Holy is your name, Lord. Then spend time in prayer praising God for His holiness.)
An Outpouring of Your Heart
I think this is so often how I pray. Whatever is on my heart, I pray to God. Whether it be praise, petitions, repentance or requests. Every time something comes to my heart, I talk to God.
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)
Again in these verses, we can see God’s will. Never stop praying. Always be joyful and thankful.
Those sometimes feel like steep requests but they are God’s will for our lives. So even when life is tough, God is saying be thankful. He is not saying if you feel like it or when things are going good, be joyful.
Notice the two phrases, be joyful and be thankful are flanking prayer. Because in the midst of our trials, joy and thanksgiving come during prayer.
I know in my toughest times and when I have faced my greatest trials, prayer and God’s Word were my saving grace. The joy given to me and gratitude that came from my heart came during prayer. Eventually, my pain and sorrows turned to praise to God for who He was during it all.
When I take the focus off of me and place it on the one who deserves my praise for all things my heart opens to joy and gratitude. Share on XOpen Hands
This has been the prayer of my heart lately. Asking God with open hands to empty me of myself. Then I sit quietly before Him so I can hear His whispers to my soul.
So often in life, we get tangled up in ourselves. Our greatest enemy is sometimes ourselves, our pride, and what we think we have to offer God.
I don’t want to come to God with my list of qualifications and resume. I want to come as an empty vessel for Him to fill me and use me in a way that He can.
So I have to pray to God that I can stay out of His way so He can do His work through me.
I was just talking to a friend today, telling her that I have been a blank slate when it comes to writing. Instead of brainstorming all the best or top trending topics, I have been relishing in my emptiness. Sitting at my keyboard and asking God to empty me of anything I think I can bring.
The amazing thing is, He is not short on words to inspire my heart. I can offer you very little but He can offer you His heart.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 (ESV)
Having A Sweeter Prayer Life
Prayer is our lifeline to our Heavenly Father.
Having a better prayer life is not out of reach. It is not something that I can prescribe a perfect formula for, however, God can.
He can show you in His Word and when you are in communication with Him. You need only need to ask.
Heavenly Father,
We stand before you today praising you for sitting on the Throne of Grace. Being willing to listen to our hearts and interceding our prayers. Lord, we ask that as you open our hearts you will pour yourself into our soul. Lord, please mold us to be more like you every day. We thank you for not leaving us in hopelessness but sending your Son Jesus to die for our sins. Thank you, Lord, for defeating death by raising Jesus from the grave so that I, too, may live.
Lord, you are too magnificent for words and I love you and praise your great name forever.
In your Precious Name, Amen!
Amen! Thank you so much for joining us here today.
Personal Reflections
- Do you have a personal prayer life?
- How would you rank it (Not next to the person you think is a prayer warrior but with God)? Why did you rank it that way? Do you want it to change?
- What are you doing well? What is one thing you can change today?
- Do you have any tips or things you can share with us today to encourage us to spend that time with God? Personal Testimonies to prayer?
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I like the idea of a continual conversation with God throughout my day! He is right there with me giving me everything I need to get through. That alone is comforting. Blessings!
I find this to be the most natural way for me. He is always there and I am in constant need of Him. I find myself giving Him praise for something going on even when it is little or surrendering my pride when I have gotten in front of myself or repenting when I have said a harsh word at one of my children. I tried to live for so long without Him and it so didn’t work I have found Him to be the only way. Thanks for joining us, Liz!
Second post on prayer this morning. God is speaking.
I really need this. I know we all need it so I thought we would take this one together. I need these reminders regularly. What does God’s Word say about talking to Him and how do I change what I am doing. It was so refreshing for me to look up these verses and revisit what God is calling me to do. Thanks so much for joining us, Susan.
Thanks, Jaime.
I do struggle in the area of faithful prayer, and have found that my best ammunition in this fight is awareness. If I consider the truth that God is always present, I want to meet that faithfulness with a faithfulness on my part.
Blessings to you!
Such a great thought, Michele. I want to meet God’s faithfulness with faithfulness. He is truly my lifeline. I need to be talking to Him or I don’t know how I would get through my day sometimes. I find myself going through something and I am glad He quickly brings to my attention, you haven’t talked to me about this. In His goodness, that He would even want to talk to little ol me even blows me away. Thank you so much for joining us here, friend!
I need to get refocused on God’s goodness. I just sent out my monthly newsletter and confessed I have left my joy + passion somewhere and can’t seem to find it. I have let discouragement and tiredness weigh on me, and just need to get out in the warm sunshine (where I experience God most) and just be with him. When I get to be outdoors that is when I seem to talk to God the most, but it is when I am in doors with all that needs to be done, that sometimes I lose that focus and pleasure in communicating with him. He is so good, and he has blessed me much. Thank you for sharing, Jaime.
I am right here with you, friend. These dark and gloomy days have seemed to drag on and they begin to drag us down. I don’t think it was any mistake that the sun that so much of us crave and need by this time of year it is called the sun. What we need so much of is is the SON, Jesus Christ. As these seasons change we are reminded how much we need His presence. The light to guide our day is the SUN and the SON! So glad you are joining us in the conversation today, Meghan. I look forward to hearing how a little more SONSHINE lifts your spirits.
I’m seeking after a sweeter prayer life right now in my life! So this post was very encouraging for me. Thanks for sharing these tips!
I love praying Scripture for myself and others. I’ve had the privilege of praying Scripture with my husband over several of the key leaders in our church. Each time we did that it truly did make the experience “sweet” as you’ve said, Jaime! Thanks for sharing this and I’ll be pinning to my prayer board!
Love your examples and suggestions for prayer, Jamie. I like to pray His promises the best!
Dear Jaime,
It’s always so good to be encouraged to pray! I have found such sweet and unexpected blessings as I have prayed for and with other people. Heart-to-heart before the throne of grace is such a sweet place to be with a sister in the Lord. Thanks for these great thoughts today. I especially loved this: “The amazing thing is, He is not short on words to inspire my heart. I can offer you very little but He can offer you His heart.” He really does see that desire in our hearts to pray, and He is so good to teach us!
Love this, Jamie! Lately, I’ve found myself drifting in prayer to more problems than praise. Praying His names and attributes is a great way to remember the One in me is greater than the problems surrounding me. Great post!!
I love this part of your prayer life, “This has been the prayer of my heart lately. Asking God with open hands to empty me of myself. Then I sit quietly before Him, so I can hear His whispers to my soul.” I want to incorporate that into my prayer life.
I find writing out my prayers helps me to let it flow. I title it, Dear God.
I would like to incorporate a verse and a little bit more time to it. I love spending time with God, but I tend to push it aside too many mornings for later.
First thing in the morning starts my day our right.