3 Ways to Seek God with a Heart Like Christ
The LORD looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Psalm 14:2 (NIV)
When I decided to start writing a blog, it was because I felt God call me to move into a new direction in ministry. I didn’t know what that meant or how that would look, I just wanted to be willing to move.
The very first post I wrote was called Seeking God In All I Do. It is where my heart feels the most at peace. And since I knew nothing about setting up a blog it somehow transferred and became the title of my blog. Which, eventually became what it is today.
God is who I think about all day. He is my consuming passion. He is where I seek refuge, hope, and freedom. It was so fitting to where my heart is so I left it.
My heart’s passion was to teach and share with others where I found that hope.
This new series is going to be focused on Seeking God.
Since creation, man has been seeking something. They have been on a path to discover what that place in their heart is that was only meant to hold the creator of their soul.
We are going to discover that the longing in our soul can only be satisfied by the Living God (Psalm 107:9) when we are seeking Him.
The greatest place to look is at the living example in Jesus. As He walked on this earth, He had one desire. He was focused on sharing God with the world and completing the mission of redeeming us to His Father.
Today, we are going to look at 3 ways to seek God by Seeking a heart like Christ.
Seek the Father’s Will
Although Jesus was God and never claimed to be anything but God, we see this unique relationship between The Father and The Son. Not one inferior to the other but two working as one Godhead. Share on XI can do nothing by Myself; I judge only as I hear. And My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. John 5:30 (BSB)
Jesus didn’t act on His own accord. I don’t know exactly how their relationship works but I know it does. This is one reason, I am so glad He is God and I am not Him because there are so many things, like this, I don’t understand. (Isaiah 55:9)
Being God, Jesus was fully capable of all things yet allowed Himself to be limited to His human flesh. When Jesus put on His cloak as a human being to dwell among His people, He wanted to give us a guide to live and walk by.
We know that at any time He could have called on an army of 10,000 angels to be by His side but He didn’t (Matthew 26:53).
Jesus in our Shoes
He wrestled this world out so that we would know how to do the same. So we could relate to Him because we know He has walked those miles in our shoes, yet was without sin.
Jesus sought the will of the Father. His heart was to please His Father and do His will.
For us, that means to Seek God with a Heart like Christ, we must seek the Father’s will for our lives. God’s Word gives us everything we need to know to live by His will (2 Timothy 3:16). By also spending time in prayer and being taught by the Holy Spirit we, too, can seek to live by the will of the Father.
Seek Glory and Praise from God
Jesus was not about the seeking glory from man or glory for Himself. He knew where His glory was to come from.
I do not seek My own glory. There is One who seeks it, and He is the Judge. John 8:50 (BSB)
God, who judges rightly, will also give you glory at just the right time.
So often we seek the applause and approval of men and women that we lose focus on who will properly glorify us.
We want our accolades to be now and loud. We want those around us to notice us and the things that we do. Fulfilling the desire of our flesh to be counted as worthy.
But Jesus was completely different.
True joy…
…comes from the Father and it comes when we are pleasing to Him.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 (BSB)
I think we could all agree that going to the cross, being beaten and battered for our sins sounds horrific.
Yet, Jesus, because of the joy that He would receive when the plan was fulfilled, He endured the cross.
He took on my shame. Something I myself could not remove.
For the joy of being able to take that away from us and allow us the opportunity to be made right and glorious in His Father’s eyes, He endured the cross. His awesomeness literally blows me away.
But to Him, He was pleasing His Father. His Father, who is a right and just judge, at just the right time, glorified Him and now He sits at His right hand.
Seek His Kingdom
When I am away from home for too long, I am ready to get back there. I feel out of sorts and want the normalcy of my life to be smoothed out.
I often feel like that on any given day. The reason is, when we are in Christ, this place is not our home (Hebrews 11:14). We are citizens of God’s Kingdom (Philippians 3:20).
So our feeling out of sorts at times, is often because we are seeking this earth to feel like home. We are looking for the things of this world to please and fulfill us.
Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. Luke 12:31 (ESV)
What will be added to us? Besides a kingdom awaiting our return, God knows our needs now and wants to take care of us. Share on X He tells us not to worry because He has dressed the flowers of the field in all their beauty, and He loves us even more as His greatest creation. If He can take care of the flowers of the field, how much more will He care for us?
He gives us clear instruction here not to be missed, seek first His kingdom.
Living with a Heart Like Christ
I want my heart to be focused and to become more like Christ every day and I know you want the same.
Seeking God’s Kingdom above all else, seeking His will for my life in how I act, think and talk, and doing it to receive glory from Him, will make me more like Christ.
This was how Christ lived. He lived a perfect life perfecting pleasing to His Father and these are the things that He did and directed us to do. His consuming passion was for His Father and I want mine to be the same.
Personal Reflections:
- Do you want to have a heart more aligned with Christ? I know I do!
- What steps can you take today to be on that path?
- If you are someone who looks to please man, how has that worked for you? Do you find fulfillment in it or are you often times let down?
- What does it mean to you to seek God’s Kingdom first?
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There are so many distractions every day — good things and important things that take up my time and attention. It’s always a challenge to keep focused on the eternal and the transcendent. Thanks for directing my eyes there with this great post.
I often have to remind myself that this world is not my home. I can easily get caught up in loving this life, mostly because I am so happy with my husband (we’ll be married one year on May 7!). So reminding myself that what God has planned is so much better than I could possibly imagine is something I have to think about when I feel consumed with this life. Thanks for this reminder!
I just finished up a study in Hebrews, Jaime, and that seems to be one of the central themes of that amazing book of the Bible–this place is not my home! And so often I fall into the trap of thinking it should be! Thank you for this important reminder and your inspiring words that keep us looking to the Savior for all that our hearts desire! Hugs to you, girlfriend!
Yes, I would like to have a heart more aligned with God. I know exactly was to do. I need to spend more time abiding and resting on him. Thank you for your wisdom.
Your comment about how your blog got its name made me smile. I still feel like I don’t know how blogging works after 7 years. Maybe it’s because I’m trying to learn to use a new theme! 🙂 This is a great post full of such great truths. Truths we can never afford to stop thinking about and growing in. Blessings!