Good Morning, Friends.
I am so glad that you are here. These last couple of weeks have been quite hectic for me. I volunteered working full time at my kiddos school to do a book fair. It was quite fun. Being a stay-at-home mom and now having all my kids go to school, days are spent on Bible study, blogging and looking forward to their return.
I have loved being at school during the day to get a random hello, wave, or I love you, Mom. But as you can imagine that has left no time for study or blogging stuff. Missing one day throws me off, let alone 6 days at school. Although, it has been great and I have been doing this two times a year.
I am really excited to get this new series, “Seeking God” underway but as I sit down to write, I feel I am going to shorthand you and myself because I didn’t get proper time to study to write. Not where I wanted to be this week but life.
So I am going to take a short break for 2 weeks to catch up on some time in the Word, get some planning done, and go on a couple of field trips with my kiddos before summer officially gets underway. Then with kiddos home, we’ll we will see.
Don’t worry linkup friends, the linkup will still be here and we’ll connect via your favorite Social Media!
Anyone else feeling this pressure? Let me know how you are handling it and any how-to’s on being more productive with the kids at home.
Recent Posts Our Friends Love
Please don’t take off, however, I would love you to check out the first post in the series called Seeking God with a Heart Like Christ and link up with us at Sitting Among Friends Blog Party. You can also read my guest post with Lori Schumaker from Searching for Moments or 3 Ways to a Sweeter Prayer Life.
When I decided to start writing a blog, it was because I felt God call me to move into a new direction in ministry. I didn’t know what that meant or how that would look, I just wanted to be willing to move.
The very first post I wrote was called Seeking God in All I Do. It is where my heart feels the most at peace. And since I knew nothing about setting up a blog it somehow transferred and became the title of my blog. Which, eventually became what it is today… Read More
If there is one thing that I often hear Christians say it is that they want to “do better”. Maybe that means reading their Bible more or having a sweeter prayer life or being more intentional in acts and deeds.
Does any of that sound familiar to you?
I believe this statement comes from the fact that even after putting our trust and faith in Jesus, our human nature, which is a sin nature, still often rules in our lives. I believe the Apostle Paul said it best in his letter to Rome… Read More
Linkup with Sitting Among Friends Blog Party
Blog Parties are such a great place to meet people and build connections around the web. This is one reason, I love this party. Please make sure to visit another friend in the linkup!
I would love to sit down face-to-face with you but since we can’t do that I love to meet you here. I love to hear your stories and see your work.
This is a Christian based website and so is the material that I promote here. Please remember that when linking up. I do reserve the right to remove posts.
*Please be sure to visit other blogs to comment and share*
I would appreciate you linking back to Seeking God or #SittingAmongFriends somewhere on your page. (You can also use the SAF picture with a link)
Tag Me with Twitter Shares and I will RT them.
I will also be featuring a friend during the week on my FB page!
Join us at our Sitting Among Friends Pinterest Board by following my profile and then requesting an invite.
Thank you for practicing wisdom in taking a break to recover and recharge! There’s just something about this time of year that is always a little draining. I think it’s because we’re still in the rigors of a school schedule, but the wheels are starting to come off the machine.
Wheels are coming off a machine. So funny you say that, beyond the rigors of school, our cars are not working properly and yesterday, I was just drained. God is so Good. I truly believe that He has us in His hands. Blessings to you, dear friend!
What a great example you’re setting for all of us! I can feel the pressure of needing to stay on track with the two articles I write a week. Even to the point that for a while I was trying to figure out how to set everything up for when I’m on vacation for a week in July. And then God convicted my spirit, and I realized it’s OK to take a week off! My readers won’t mind, and I doubt I’ll lose any of the headway I’ve been making this year. Thanks again for this reminder that taking breaks is OK and encouraged by our Father!
I take my writing and teaching very seriously. I am honored that God gives me this space to share His Word. I felt, I couldn’t move forward with my post last night and I believe that God laid on my heart some rest was needed. I am too excited for this work to not do it to my best. Don’t worry, I know people that have made great headway and they take off months at a time. We sometimes need those moments to recharge. Give yourself that room. Thanks for joining us here, friend!
Finding time to do all the things I want to do is an on-going struggle for me, too. Now that I’m an empty-nester, I have even MORE things I want to do, not less. ha. When my girls were at home, we home-schooled. But now my youngest daughter is a schoolteacher, so for the first time, I can go volunteer AT school. Such fun! 🙂 God keeps us all well-rounded. 😉
Isn’t that just the way it goes. All my kiddos went to school this year and I thought I would have endless time to study and right. I am not sure what happened but the end of the year is sneaking up on me and I am not sure I am any closer to where I wanted to be than I was a year ago. I have found some new volunteer opportunities as well. Crazy how life flies by. You are right it is such fun. Thanks for joining us, Lisa
I blog everyday and do intercession on a Prayer Wall, also about to help foster children. I make sure I rest and pray. By writing a lot in advance I can take some time off now and again. I make sure just to go out and sit in the sun. I love writing so much, so much to say about Jesus, I could be here all the time. Happy Mother’s Day, enjoy your break.
I’m praying that your break helps to de-stress you in life, Jaime! May is a very busy time of year for moms. Thanks for all you do, my friend!
I love that you are taking a short break. I plan to do the same soon. Thank you for the link-up.
I hope you got to rest and recharge over the Mother’s Day weekend. Thanks for hosting in spite of your busy schedule.