5 Bible Verses about the Bible
Many people have a lot of things to say about the Bible, but what does the Bible have to say about itself? Today we are going to look at 5 Bible verses written specifically about the Bible from the Bible.
Many people debate the validity of the Bible and question whether or not it is written for our time or whether or not it contains errors. Although that is a deeper discussion for another time, we can look closer at what the Bible has to say about itself and in the process maybe answer some of those questions.
While I don’t have any question, that the Bible is inerrant and 100% contemporary based on my experiences and study of God’s Word, I believe that God’s Word speaks well for itself.
The Bible speaks clearly of itself. It presents its own validity. It is the living and breathing Word of God.
I can attest to countless times that I have needed nothing more than a whisper from the pages of Scripture and God has given me exactly what I need.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12.
You could quickly argue that I was just reading what I wanted to hear or needed to make myself feel better. That by no means is the case. Although reading God’s Word is uplifting and encouraging, there are many times that I am convicted of my wrong thinking or doing. My soul is divided and my innermost thoughts, sometimes not very nice ones, are exposed and laid wide open for examination.
A Lamp for My Path
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105
I can often time find my way. North, South, East, and West, forget it. But when I need to get to a new place, I am able to navigate the streets and the land quite well. I use landmarks and physical features of the land to get where I am going. When I lived in Hawaii, I was easily able to navigate my way by following or looking toward the ocean or the mountains. I was confident in not getting lost because I paid close attention to my natural surroundings.
But life isn’t the same way. I am a mom of three busy kiddos. There are so many times where I mess up and fail and need good guidance. I need to be able to find my way and back from selfish desires and turning to the needs of those around me with a servant’s heart.
There are so many times in my life when I feel lost.
I feel like I am wandering around in a dark world and my navigation becomes skewed. So quickly, I can become inward focused and near-sighted in my circumstances. I can easily become consumed by the pressure of taking on one more task that is not in my playbook.
But then when I sit down with God’s Word, my perspective and reality don’t always line up. The story I tell myself and sometimes put on replay in my head is not always the truth that captures the moment.
God’s Word guides me back and illuminates my path. It helps me take the focus off of myself and what only lies in front of me. It lights my days with the truth that God seeks for me to indwell in my heart, mind, and soul.
My path becomes clear. My days become brighter. Not because they are without trials and troubles of their own but because I am walking in the light and my focus is clear.
I can see that my days are sprinkled with hope. Hope for the present and a future. I can see the heart of a Father who so desperately wants a relationship with His children and hurts when they want to let go. My path and purpose are clearly lit when I am in the presence of The Word.
The Word of the Lord Stands Forever
The grass withers and the flowers fade but the Word of the Lord stands forever. Isaiah 40:8
I love flowers. In fact, every year, I go to the store and buy seeds and new plants. All with good intentions. To make my yard look beautiful and my heart to feel happy from taking in the beauty that would surround me.
The problem is the only one with a green thumb in my house is my husband. In fact, my last gift few plant gifts sat by and withered away. One of them was even an air fern, which is really hard to kill. I was sad for its loss because it is so pretty.
I water them. Most of the time. When I think of it. Apparently, every couple of weeks isn’t often enough. especially in the summer when they are being scorched by the sun. My husband insists that he is not buying me anymore every time he has to water them. I can’t blame him but I truly love their beauty. I just remind him that the kids are still alive because I do remember to water and feed them.
The reality is that flowers and plants are temporary. Mine plants are just a bit more temporary than most. Maybe it’s because I don’t put my greatest love in things of this world and I can’t quite bring myself to remember the temporary.
So I put my hope and faith in something greater.
God wanted us to remember that seasons and time comes and goes. The beauty in something may only be there for a season. But there is something greater. Something that we can hold onto even as the seasons of our life seem to be fading away.
His Word is truth and reality that we can stand on. It is eternal, just as we are. God’s Word offers hope and confidence in something more than the temporary. It offers us the eternal life through Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross. A message that is timeless. A message that doesn’t and hasn’t faded with time and anything that we contribute to it. God’s Word will stand the test of time and will never fade no matter the season that this creation goes through.
Man Cannot Live on Bread Alone
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” Matthew 4:4
When I go to a buffet or have a meal over the holidays, I just want to eat the bread. Literally, I could have a whole meal of delicious rolls. Why? They are so delicious. Why can’t I have just that?
If I only engorged on warm and did I mention delicious roll, I would be missing so many nutrients that would be sufficient for my body to stay healthy. And at some point, I may look like a roll.
I love the story of the woman at the well. The disciples go away to get food as Jesus speaks to this woman. In the process of Him telling her everything he knew about her, He also declares that He is the Messiah her people had been waiting for.
When the disciples return they try to get Him to eat and He says I have food which you do not understand. Jesus feeding truth was satisfying Him more than any amount of food they could have brought Him. Likely some flatbread.
He knew that the only way would ever truly be satisfied in life was not dining on delicious warm rolls but dining on the truth that He has to offer us. So not we couldn’t physically or spiritually live on just the bread because we need the substance that is given us through His Word.
All Scripture is the Breath of God and Useful
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)
As we were reading through Job tonight at the dinner table, my son shouts out, “Where is all this coming from?”
Confused I asked him, “Where is what coming from?”
“All these words. Who came up with all these words?”
Even at a young age, we wonder about the words poured out in the Bible.
There are so many of them. Where did the words come from? Who wrote them? Where did the people come from? How did they all come together? How did they know what to write?
The short answer is, there at least 40 authors of the Bible. It spans the writings of around 1400 years from people spread out over what we would call today, the Middle East, parts of Europe, and Northern Africa.
Those are great facts if you like details, like me, but the Bible is more powerful than mere facts. That God could orchestrate such a symphony is writing is beyond our comprehension. He could breathe life into the pages and words that each author poured onto their scrolls or writing pages this vast is a pure miracle.
The Bible isn’t just for our viewing pleasure, to collect dust on a shelf, or to hold us in any position of high esteem. The Bible, like Jesus, has a purpose. It is to teach us the words and way of the Lord. It is for rebuking the sins that enslave us. His Words are for correcting that sinful behavior and steering us toward righteousness.
We are not to end there. We are given all of those gifts from God so that we could be properly equipped to accomplish His good works and point people to Him and His Kingdom.
Where is this coming from? The very breath of God.
Men Spoke from God as They were Carried Along
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For the prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:20-21 (NIV)
Seems possibly far-fetched? That the very breath of God breathed life into the words and pages of Scriptures.
Well, I don’t think so, but I also wholeheartedly believe in the miracles that are poured into those pages. But we don’t need to just take my word for it.
The writer of 2 Peter, Peter. One of the over 40 authors of the Bible. A disciple of Jesus and close confidant who would have been privy to more information than the average person.
Peter was also more privy to more information than most of the disciples and Jesus’s closest friends. He had the insiders scoop. Jesus often took him aside and spoke only to Him.
He ascended the mountain and saw Jesus transfigured in His glory. Peter sat by the garden while Jesus prayed inside. He was the first to enter Jesus’ empty tomb.
You couldn’t get any closer to the Son of God than Peter probably did.
Peter himself writes no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation.
He gives all credit to the Holy Spirit, who inspired the words that authors had the privilege of holding the pen for as they sketched God’s Word onto scrolls. God’s will put pen to parchment and the result was a Book that has become the eternal Word of God.
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Thank you, Jaime, for these verses that bolster our faith in God’s Word. I know people have argued that it is circular reasoning to support the veracity of the Bible with texts taken from the Bible, but the truth is that every system of logic is circular in its own way. For example, people who believe that the natural world is all there is take their arguments from facts they observe in the natural world. The big difference is, that we have a better circle. 🙂
Such amazing truths for me to read this morning. For the Word of God is so alive. All of these points are so powerful and you conveyed each one beautifully. I love when I think about how He breathed onto the pages because when I pray before I read I ask for Him to breathe His words into my heart!! Powerful post!!