Growing up, I was one of four children. We lived in the upstairs apartment of my grandparents so being alone never seemed like an option. But to be honest, I didn’t even desire aloneness. As I grew and found myself alone I didn’t quite know how to cope. The feeling of being alone overwhelmed and scared me.
What I wish I had known was the security of Christ and in knowing that I was never alone. I wish I knew how time alone with the Lord can be so fulfilling.
If you fear loneliness or feel its negative shadow looming over you, you are in the right place. Today, you will be encouraged by these 5 verses when you feel lonely.
Also, I want your heart to be truly full, so we are going to look at Jesus seeking His Father to fulfill Him.
The God of My Life
Psalm 42:8 Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life. (KJV)
I love the praise the psalmist gives. He praises the sovereignty of God, ruler of night and day, for choosing to bestow His loving kindness upon Him. He praises God for not leaving Him but for sending out His mercies on him.
The imagery of God’s song, being with us and in our heart for both comfort and security, gives me such peace. That God would sing His love over my heart and fill it with His lovingkindness is beyond words.
It makes loneliness disappear in the dark of the night.
I remember when my oldest son was a baby we played praise music all night. Those nights were long and the reassurance of the God of my life being with me, settled my tired mommy heart nightly.
Healing for the Brokenhearted
It is impossible to live on this planet and not understand the pain of being brokenhearted. Life deals us some pretty wretched things sometimes.
Those things often lead us to feel alone and sometimes isolated. If we are not careful, it can be a place that we dwell in and find our comfort in.
Even with over 7 billion people on the planet who have all experienced some sort of hurt and pain, we can feel isolated and alone in our pain. #VersestoOvercome Share on XIn comparison to all my heartache, I cannot fathom the brokenness and heartache of God witnessing His One and Only Son take on the sin of the world. He knows heartache, beyond my comprehension.
What He also knows, beyond what I can fathom, is how to heal my broken heart. He knows how to bandage my wounds not just for a moment but until I can be made whole again. His healing doesn’t just stop the bleeding it can remove the scar.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Psalm 147:3-4 (NIV)
The God of the universe has declared the number of stars in the star, placed them in their position and has named each and every one of them.
How much more He cares for His children. He knows your name and knows the pains of the deepest part of your soul and with because He is a God of compassion, he can heal those pains.
Sketched in His Palm
Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Isaiah 49:15-16a (NIV)
Not only does He know your name, if you are His child, your name is sketched in the palm of His hand.
I have always been fascinated by hands. Young, old, soft or calloused, your hands tell a great story. They tell the story of your life.
The story of Christ’s life is as creator and giver of life. Before it all, He was.
Then in a remarkable moment, He came to this earth to rescue the brokenhearted. He came to deliver them from the bondage of their own sin. He broke the chains from their hands and when He did, with each loving stroke, He engraved each name on the palm His hand.
There you stay, you are His. Your name will not be forgotten or lost. He carries it with Him and each name tells a story. Your etched name is in His story of mercy and compassion on His people.
God does not want us to feel lonely and to isolate ourselves from other people. He wants us to love others. Part of loving others includes their brokenness.
God is With You Always
In our loneliness, we often struggle with believing that God would care enough about us to not leave us alone. We may even believe that we deserve our loneliness.
If you are a child of God, Satan's best tactic is your isolation. Because if he can no longer win your heart, he can make sure you are not an effective witness to the heart of anyone else. Share on XIf you are having feelings of loneliness, you need to take action and recognize that those feelings are not coming from God.
After Christ rose from the dead, He commissioned the disciples.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
It is no coincidence that immediately after Christ commissioned the disciples to go, He reminded them they wouldn’t be alone.
Christ knew they would feel lonely. He also knows Satan’s greatest tactic of lying to us to make us feel alone and isolated, keeps us from going.
So along with the job description, He gives this beautiful assurance that He will be with us always. Not just for a moment, but until the very end of the age.
For I Am Convinced
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (NASB)
I cannot say that I was always confident that Christ would stop loving me. There was a time in my life where I thought that I had gone too far to turn back.
I love reading the Old Testament because so many of the stories are about God’s children going beyond what seemed too far and God kept saying time and time again, if you would turn back to me, I could rescue you.
As they did, I often ran in the opposite direction. Living for myself. All the while God was chasing me down. Pursuing my heart saying, dear child, if you would just turn back to me, I can rescue you.
Paul knew all too well living in a state of desperate sin and separation from God. You look at the life of Paul and would think that guy had to have gone too far for God to use Him or want Him.
But God got a hold of Him and rescued His heart and Paul says confidently that nothing can separate us from the love of God. What a beautiful testimony.
Take Time to Be Refreshed
Oftentimes, loneliness triggers negative thoughts in our hearts and minds. Sometimes, we are afraid to be alone. Afraid of those places of aloneness both physically and in our hearts.
I know I used to feel panicky at the thought of being alone. I even struggle with being alone now and often times want to surround myself with my people in hopes to keep that feeling at bay.
Taking the time to get away alone, however, doesn’t have to be something we fear or fret. It doesn’t have to be this dreadful state. We could welcome it as much needed time alone with God.
We can take lead from Jesus who often times, felt the need to withdraw from the crowds to a lonely place. Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Mark 6:46
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16
Jesus withdrew often. Oh, how I wish we knew the words Jesus spoke in those times. Can you see yourself repeating them often?
But those times were private and personal, just as our alone time with Christ needs to be so He can fill us with exactly what we need.
In those lonely places, Jesus was able to get rest from the busyness of His days and His ministry and be refueled by His Father. He spent time in prayer and came back ready for the next step in His ministry.
Right before He was taken away to die on the cross, Jesus was in the garden in prayer, being ministered to and wrestling through the tough stuff with His Father.
So if your heart feels alone… Let Jesus Fill it Today!
I love to worship with others but my greatest times of refreshment always come when I am alone with God. There He refuels my soul and my passion for Him. He takes my heavy burdens, my weary soul, my broken places and makes them new.
Take some time today to meet with Jesus. His word will refresh and fill your soul and remind you that you are never alone. He has engraved you in the palm of His hand and there is nothing that can separate you from His great love for you.
Personal Reflections:
- How do you feel about being alone?
- Do you take the time to be alone or do you try to keep yourself busy and surrounded by people?
- How have you been refreshed in your alone time with God? Recently? In the Past?
- What do you treasure the most about your time alone with God?
- Are there certain times of the day that feels more lonely than others? Are there certain activities that feel more lonely than others? How can you seek God in those times?
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I want to be able to quote Paul’s words with confidence, but the truth is that very often I am not “convinced” and need God the Holy Spirit to faithfully keep convincing me of His intention to remain faithful to me even when I am not as faithful as I should be.
Thanks, Jaime, for fuel to fire up our certainty that we are never alone!
Thank you so much for joining us, dear friend. I love your heart and your openness to share it. Those times when we are weary and torn down by life seem the hardest to hold on to any confidence.
What I know for sure is the pattern of my life should have left God running for the hills. But it didn’t. He saw me as His daughter and He wasn’t willing to allow the things of this world to draw me away. After much pursuit from my Lord and King, I am convinced that I cannot be separated from His love. Though I don’t deserve it, He freely gives it. Praise His Great Name!
Great post, Jaime. We all relate to feelings of loneliness. Even feeling alone with other people nearby or in the same room. Which confirms it’s something more than a physical presence we need, it’s something deep in our heart. This is good insight, “It is no coincidence that immediately after Christ commissioned the disciples to go, He reminded them they wouldn’t be alone.” Thanks for the reminder we are not alone and the Scriptures to assure us.
So glad you are here, Karen, and thank you for these words of wisdom.
It is so true that we can be in a crowded room and still feel the complete aloneness of our own soul. God made us to be in communion with others but also with a great longing that only He could fill.
I love, too, that Christ gives us assurance that He is with us, even till the end of the age. Blessings, friend!
What wonderful words of truth for us today, Jaime! Even in the midst of busy children and full house, life can feel terribly lonely. May we cling to Truth in these times! Sharing this on all my social media this week! It’s an important message!
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words and for joining us here today, Stacey. Yes! Loneliness and those feelings can only be put to rest with the filling of the Holy Spirit. May He continue to fill us even in the midst of our seemingly full lives.
Thank you, Jaime, for these verses. They bless me so and will be integrated into my days as I have recently lost my husband of 25 years and being lonely comes with this new territory. Bless you, ~ linda
Linda, I am so sorry for your loss. Life certainly has a way of changing and leaving us feeling alone. I am so glad that these verses will be a blessing to you as you navigate these waters and thank you for being here and sharing your heart with us. Blessings to you!
Beautiful words and verses to jo,d tight to on the days we are feeling lonely. I am most definitely sharing your post.
I love all these verses you chose! It comforts me to think about how even Jesus grew lonely. And He experienced more loneliness than I ever will – He experienced separation from His Father. Thanks for these encouraging words!
Beautiful post and verses, my friend! This one is a must keep!
The beauty of scripture is that it always meets us right where we are. Always. God is faithful.
Thanks for sharing and hosting.
This is such an unaddressed pain/need, Jaime – I pinned your list. It’s one of MAIN reasons I write/speak about Hospitality. When lonely, we need to go out and grab people and bring them to our table, but I know that when lonely someone doesn’t feel like doing that.
This is such a beautiful article. I love the articulation with the scriptures quite encouraging.