Being a mom is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. My life seemed to turn upside down in ways that I could have never imagined for the good and the undeniably not so pretty. Children have been a gift beyond compare. A gift I truly treasure.
I used to think I was patient, laid back and had some self-control until my kiddos came along and allowed me to see the errors of my thinking.
Being mom is a responsibility that no one could ever have had enough words and explanations to clearly make me understand. It is not until they are in your arms and the reality of them being there does it begin to settle in.
A few years back, I even wondered if I would ever get the hang of this mothering thing. It seems every time I figure something out a new age and stage throws me for a loop.
I have felt the heartbreak of losing children and not quite sure how I was going to recover from the devastation. A heartbreak, no one could ever prepare you for.
Being a mother has made me question so many things about my world that I could have never imagined.
I also never knew that it was physically possible for my heart to grow in love and care for another human being the way it did when I had children.
The Amazement of Motherhood
I believe God always amazes us, as mothers, to show His great love and plans for us through our children. We get to see how a Father loves His children in ways that seem unimaginable.
For instance, I may say to my children, this is classic and I never thought I would say this.
Are you ready? How many times have I had to say this? Please tell me I am not the only one who says this!
Then I hear a gentle voice whisper to my heart, how many times have I had to tell you? And I am reminded of the grace I have been shown daily.
The Gift of Children – Women of the Bible
There are three women in the Bible who were shown God’s grace through their roles as mothers. I love how God’s gift of children is displayed through each story in an unexpected way.
We see that having children is nothing shy of a miracle, it is beyond what we could have imagined and it is a gift and blessing beyond our understanding.
For a woman to not bear children in Bible times was very significant. She would have been looked down upon and there would have been much shame that she would have felt because children were a blessing to the family.
I am not sure that times have changed that much and there are certainly women who struggle with these same issues. I pray their stories bless your heart.
Sarah, the wife of Abraham, at the ripe age of 91, had her son Isaac. I can’t imagine, but let’s imagine the patience and endurance of faith that had to accompany this kind of trial. (Genesis 17 and 18) Even Sarah laughed at the notion of bearing a son at her worn-out age.
So God… gave her (them) a gift beyond what she could see and understand.
Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, desperate to have children but the Lord had closed her womb. That is a tough verse to read, especially if you are in a place where you are struggling to become a parent or never have been.
Hannah cried out to the Lord, she promised to give her child back to the Lord for His service. If only she could bear a son her heart could become full and her shame could be put to rest. (1 Samuel 1)
The sacrifice she was making. Can you imagine the day she left him at the temple? The gift she was given was the gift she returned to the Lord.
So God… gave her (them) a gift beyond what she could see and understand.
Elizabeth, with of Zechariah, was well advanced in years and was unable to conceive. God had a special plan for her son. He would point the way to Jesus.
Zechariah was a priest and while burning incense in the temple and offering up the prayers of the people was granted a personal request of him and his wife. An angel appeared to him and his news was followed by a stack of questions. The news, his wife was going to have a son. (Luke 1)
So God… gave her (them) a gift beyond what she could see and understand.
With God
With God, all things are possible. At the place where our abilities to see and understand end is where God waits for us to be still and allow Him to do His work.
Children are a blessing. Children are a gift of beyond compare from the Creator of the World. They are image bearers of God Himself. Share on X
They are precious to Him and they are an opportunity for God to help us see ourselves as His children. Children give us an opportunity to understand God’s grace and mercy that is poured out on us in the pursuit to make us more like Him.
If you are struggling, like these moms, because you are not able to have children, I hope you are blessed by their stories. Remember you are not alone because God is faithful to write your story as well.
If you have children, I hope you can see how God used these women to help us realize that children are truly a blessing, gift, and miracle delivered from His own hands.
Personal Reflections:
What is the one thing that your children bring out in you that you wish you could stuff away?
What is the thing your children bring out in you that you know is a blessing from above?
If you are struggling as these moms did, what is one thing these women could teach you about God? About yourself?
If you are struggling in having children, what is a piece of advice that you have for ladies with children?
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Loved this post! God has shown me so much through being a momma! I’m blessed with 4 of the most beautiful unique children and now grandbabies 🙂