Falling Away
The one relationship I failed to foster for so long was my relationship with Jesus. In fact, for much of my life, I spent my time running from Him. I had asked Him to be my personal Savior but I was falling away from Him.
Knowing He was within arms reach, I kept my arms stretched to keep Him at a distance.
I knew if He got too close my life would be revealed for what it was and I would have to deal with the perpetual sin in my life. So, I kept an arms distance and my eye over my shoulder so He couldn’t get too close.
I continued to run on that path until I could run no further, literally. I wanted to find a way back and thought about it many times, but didn’t know where to begin.
My thoughts quickly went to finding a church hoping that would be the answer. It may have been the place where I was physically confronted with God’s truth but my heart and my mind were far from home.
The reality was I needed to repent and turn back. My sin, however, had become my comfort and what I thought to be my identity.
To Read the rest of this post, please stop over at my friend’s beautiful and uplifting site. You can find Lori Schumaker at Searching for Moments. Lori has an amazing heart for God and writes about one of my greatest passions, which is finding our identity in the heart of God.
Need more encouragement? Skip over and read some of Seeking God’s favorite posts here.
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I really enjoyed reading your testimony over at Lori’s, Jaime. You are such a blessing to the online community.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us at Searching for Moments. Your words so beautifully point to Jesus and the hope we have in Him! ♥