Giving Tuesday
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving marks the annual Giving Tuesday promotion to celebrate the art of giving your time, resources, or your voice.
What a way to show how much we care by giving to others. I am not sure about you but I get such joy and a blessing from giving.
There are many places that you can offer your gifts. In today’s post, I am going to share with you some of my favorites. There are several reasons they are my favorite places to give and I’ll let you know why.
Now your views or places you give may differ than mine and that is okay. This post is not trying to persuade you to give to these organizations just an opportunity to check them out further or consider why, and to whom, and how we give.
I believe when it comes to giving that you give where you feel God leading you to give.
Why give?
In 2 Corinthians Paul is writing to the church in Corinth. Paul is urging the church to be good givers just as they are good in all others areas of their lives. He is sharing with them the story of the Macedonians, who gave generously beyond what they had.
Paul wants the church in Corinth to know what joy this brought to the Macedonians and he wants that joy to be for them as well. The church has promised to give and Paul is urging them to go through with it not reluctantly or under pressure of Paul’s expectant arrival.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 (BSB)
Sewing Seeds
One reason that we give is not only to satisfy that needs that we have but to sow seeds. When we give to sow seeds. For others to have the opportunity to see Jesus and His generosity through us we are opening a door for them to know Him as their personal Savior.
Christ has so generously bestowed His grace on us and it is a blessing that we receive when we give to others. To some, this may not make sense. To give our money away for the benefit of others. As believers, we need to be aware that all we have has been given by God and that we are merely a steward of His riches.
When we keep this at the forefront of our minds, we are able to give like the Macedonians. Without hesitation and proportionately more than we are able.
God Loves a cheerful giver
There is no set amount given that gives us heavenly bonus points. My kids love when I read the story of Jesus at the temple. He is telling the story of the woman who gave two bits. Jesus says she gave more than the others who had given out of their abundance because she had given all she had.
She gave with her heart. She gave what God compelled her to give. Not out of her abundance but out of her all. Her heart was clear and Paul is clear that God loves a cheerful giver.
Just like this woman, Jesus gave us all He had on the cross. He gave us His life so that we too could have life. He wants us to have that same kind of generosity.
God Will Bless You
This is not prosperity gospel here. You don’t give so God will give to you. The more you give the more you get and you keep giving in hopes of being a rich person.
We give because we have been given so much and just like the Macedonians we are compelled to give it back to God because of ALL that He has already given to us.
God is not a piggy bank. We put money in and out pops a check with interest.
Paul tells the church in Corinth, you give and God is able to bless you abundantly.
He blesses you for a purpose.
So that you in all things at all times, you will have everything you need to be able to do every good work.
Forever Enduring
Here is the great part. To many, this may not seem like the great part but here it is…
Your righteousness will endure forever.
Your impact could be eternal. For someone to be a part of your joy for giving may not only bless them for a short time and supply their temporary needs but may have eternal results. Them seeing the actions of someone giving generously may be the tipping point in their life of seeing Jesus in you or the person meeting their life-changing needs.
Life-Changing Needs Locally and Globally
We don’t just have to be limited to Giving Tuesday. This time of year there is many places seeking donations. They are seeking both time and resources.
I would encourage you to give both locally and globally. Locally we can have an impact on our closest neighbors. The people in our cities we may encounter the most could give us the best opportunity to share right where we live.
Pretty much any store you go into has someone outside ringing a bell. Even dropping spare change in can make a difference because it all adds up. For us locally that money is going to our local Salvation Army.
Locally, we also have resources through them to give to their food drive and gift giving. Knowing that someone may have a Christmas they may otherwise not had really is heartwarming.
I have to tell you the cutest story. The other day one my littles decided to carry her change in her purse to go to the store. When we walked by the bell ringers without hesitation, she put in her coins. She was so excited to put money in that bucket. She had no idea how much money she put in there but her heart was full because she gave.
Just like a little child, without hesitation, I hope we are able to give without wondering if there will be enough left. We give knowing and trusting that God has and will supply our needs.
There are many local organizations that take food this time of year and also may provide opportunities to serve meals. That is a good way to not only give your resources but give your time.
Think Globally
There are many organizations here in the US and in the World that have opportunities not only for Giving Tuesday but for giving all year. Here are just a few that we enjoy giving to. These are also organizations that use most of the money they receive directly toward their cause. You should be able to find all that information on any non-for-profit website.
Operation Christmas Child
During this time of year, my family really enjoys giving to Operation Christmas Child. We love to sit down and decide what we are going to give. First, we decide if we are going to give to a boy or girl and for what age.
I love this giving opportunity because it is a really awesome way to get the kids involved in giving. My kids often choose children around their age because it is fun for them to imagine giving to another child.
Even if they never meet this child or do not know them, to kids, a kid is a kid. We take the time to meticulously pack the box with essential items and many fun items trying to squeeze as much as we can into the shoebox. We imagine the joy it will bring them as they open the box and show it to their friends and families.
World Vision
World Vision is an organization that uses 85% of what they receive for their programs. To me, it is important that organizations are using the money where they say they are using it. There are independent third-party that keep watch on organizations so you too, can check the organizations out.
Non-profit organizations are required to post these their yearly reports. These reports can often be found on their websites. World Vision posts a briefing at the bottom of their page and more detailed reports on their site.
What we love about World Vision besides their high use of monies for programs, it that there is every level of giving possible to make a difference. Again, it is a great way to get the kids involved by letting them save or earn money to buy interesting things like seeds, water, and ducks.
Searching through the catalog with the kids is also a great way for kids to see what others are facing throughout the world and learn to have compassion for them. We love picking out our gifts to send on to these families. So often we can see the recipients we give to. This is a great way for kids to learn that they can give without getting anything in return, even if it is just a smiling face.
World Vision is also a Christian Organization concerned with the eternal state of the people they help and to me that is essential.
American Bible Society
American Bible Society has been around since 1816. They have had long partnerships with many organizations.
I love this organization simply for this reason – they give Bibles. If you want to have an eternal impact in this world make sure the Word of God is getting into the hands of people. It is an awesome way to plant seeds. God will make them grow.
God’s Word will not return void it will accomplish its purpose. (Isaiah 55:11) For only $5 you can put a Bible into the hands of someone who so desperately wants so to hear His words. What an awesome opportunity!
They have many occasions where you can also give and have your giving impact even more with double impacting from donors that are matching the giving of others. What a great way to team up and get God’s Word into the hands of many.
Moody Radio
Moody Radio broadcasts sermons and daily talk shows. They have fantastic preachers and teachers that are teaching the truth in God’s Word. My husband and I listen to Moody Radio daily. Radio stations such as Moody are listener supported and rely on donations from donors.
The teaching is top-notch and I am constantly learning every time I turn it on. What I love about this is my husband and I don’t actually listen to Moody together because he is working. I cannot tell you how many times my husband comes home and says did you hear John MacArthur, Erwin Lutzer or James MacDonald, just to name a few, today? They had a really great message on… did you hear it?
This is a great way for us both to hear great messages and discuss God’s Word and what it means in our lives. I believe having God and His Word central is essential to a healthy marriage.
Because this station benefits my family spiritually and I know it is benefiting others as well, making this a great organization to support and listen to. Interested? You can find a local station or stream online at Moody Radio {dot} org.
Status Update: As of November 2018, according to, Food for the Poor is under investigation for use of funds. There are currently no findings and result from this matter and Food for the Poor is trying to reverse this decision. You can read their statements there. As always, it is important to stay on top of organizations that you give to and expect full transparency of funds. This is also by no means my opinion whether you should support an organization or not. This should always be prayerfully considered.
Food for the Poor
Food for the Poor is an organization that I recently found. What I appreciate about them is they give over 95% back into the programs that you are supporting. If you check the giving rate for most organizations, that is huge.
They have several ways to can support Food for the Poor. On their site, you can also check out their giving catalog which has many ways to support people in need through giving fruit trees, supplying housing, food, and clothing. They also offer opportunities to take mission trips to help them accomplish so of their tasks.
Some people are in such a dire need or life-giving necessities the best way to show them the gospel is through loving them enough to see that their basic needs are met. This organization is also a Christian organization that focuses on saving lives to restore hope.
I hope this post was a great way for you to not only consider giving on Giving Tuesday but to seek opportunities to extend the grace throughout the year. These are some great organizations but they do not end here. There are many more worthy causes and opportunities for you to find an organization that you can become passionate about.
Giving is such a blessing to not only the recipient but it can bring such joy when giving cheerfully from the heart.
In the Comments below, share with us any further information you have about giving. Share with us an organization you are passionate about. I can’t wait to hear your feedback. Before you go make sure to join us for Sitting Among Friends Linkup Party!
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Giving Tuesday
Thanks, Jaime, for this reminder and for the suggested recipients.
Blessings to you!
These are such worthy causes but there are many more. For me, it is the joy of giving to organizations that may be having an eternal impact that is important. I think it is great to give to meet people’s temporary needs but we know their needs go much deeper and I appreciate organizations that keep that in mind as they serve others. Thanks so much for visiting us here today, friend!
Jaime, thank you so much for sharing this encouragement to give. I love your example of little children give with such joy and without thinking about the amount…so precious. Thank you for hosting the link up!
I think it is really hard to teach compassion to children. We are by nature very selfish people. Some more giving than others but this is such a great way for them to see and think outside of themselves. The thing is it is often times for complete strangers. One of the really fun things about giving is seeing peoples faces and hearing the enjoyment they get out of the gift. We will never get to see the smile on their faces when they receive the gifts, that could be tough for anyone. Just knowing and teaching your kids that it will bring joy to someone they won’t ever see is an awesome lesson.
I learned the joy of giving several years ago!
That is wonderful, Susan. I am glad to hear that you have experienced the joy that it brings. Thanks for linking up with us, friend!
Jaime- thank you for pointing out these organizations, I love that they give such a high percentage to the recipients versus keeping it in their organizations.
What a great reminder that it’s not about us and our money is to share since it’s God’s anyway!
I love that these organizations give a high percentage of where you think you are giving your money to as well. Some organizations have a huge overhead and administrative costs. I love that these also have eternal goals. That really is a difference maker. Thanks, as always for joining us here, friend!
Always wonderful to be sitting with you on your blog. I loved hearing the places you like to give. We had some in common. I too love to give. I find whatever I give in time or money blesses me so much I have hard time calling it giving.
Thank you so much, Maree. I am glad that you are joining us. I love that. “It blesses you so much you have a hard time calling it giving”. That is so true. It does give back so much more sometimes than I know I give. The opportunity to be a part of something that God is doing in the lives of others is truly a gift. So glad you’re here today, friend!
I had never heard of Giving Tuesday until this year. I love the concept! Giving is so important. I teach a first grade Sunday class and we just put together four boxes for Samaritain’s Purse Project. What a joy it is to give! Thank you for this week’s link up!
I think I heard of it last year but it never phased me. What I didn’t notice until it was too late was that so many organizations are getting on board with this and they are using this push to giving on this day because they have bigger organizations and gift matching from donors. That is awesome. I love the team efforts of matching dollars. It always encourages me knowing my dollar can stretch further with this team effort. It is fun to get the kiddos involved. Thanks for joining us this week, Summer!
What a great subject to highlight this time of year! Thanks for the great list. I try not to pass a “bell-ringer” without doing something. I want to be like your little girl!