I recently posted this picture.
It sparked quite a bit of interest and so I thought
we would dive into this topic a little more.
we would dive into this topic a little more.
John 1:14 says The Word became flesh and made his
dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son,
who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son,
who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
I just love this verse. It actually kind of makes me
envious to be quite honest of the men and women that were able to witness this.
I would have loved to live there and walk with Christ, hold His hand, and hear
Him speak of His Heavenly Father. What an amazing thought. Amen.
envious to be quite honest of the men and women that were able to witness this.
I would have loved to live there and walk with Christ, hold His hand, and hear
Him speak of His Heavenly Father. What an amazing thought. Amen.
As believers
we often times long for the coming of Christ or just for the moment that we
will be in His presence and sitting at His feet. I love the pictures that are depicted
of Christ with little children surrounding Him. What a perfect portrait of a
God who loves His children so much that He is sitting among them.
we often times long for the coming of Christ or just for the moment that we
will be in His presence and sitting at His feet. I love the pictures that are depicted
of Christ with little children surrounding Him. What a perfect portrait of a
God who loves His children so much that He is sitting among them.
John 1:1 tells us leading information for verse 14
it says: In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
it says: In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Word was God.
Both of these verses use the same Greek word. Logos which means Word. Verse 14
says the Word became flesh. So God became flesh. And made His dwelling among
us. John was a witness to His glory. He was a witness to the glory of the One
and Only Son.
Both of these verses use the same Greek word. Logos which means Word. Verse 14
says the Word became flesh. So God became flesh. And made His dwelling among
us. John was a witness to His glory. He was a witness to the glory of the One
and Only Son.
What makes my heart melt about this verse is just
the comfort of knowing that my God is not unreachable. He loved us so much that
He came down and made His dwelling among us. He is not some far out unreachable
deity that I can never attain. He came here to die for my sins and for yours.
the comfort of knowing that my God is not unreachable. He loved us so much that
He came down and made His dwelling among us. He is not some far out unreachable
deity that I can never attain. He came here to die for my sins and for yours.
The thought of one day being able to be in the
presence of my Lord is not unreachable. It is not unattainable. Why? Because of
His Grace and Mercy.
presence of my Lord is not unreachable. It is not unattainable. Why? Because of
His Grace and Mercy.
I like the NLT version of this verse. Isaiah 59:12
says: For our sins are piled up before God and testify against us. Yes, we know
what sinners we are.
says: For our sins are piled up before God and testify against us. Yes, we know
what sinners we are.
I think that we can all be honest about sin. It is
the things we think, say or do against God. Most of us are aware of our
imperfections. No I don’t mean crooked noses or teeth. I’m talking about things such as anger, hate, greed, malice,
lying, and deceit. We’ve all been there.
the things we think, say or do against God. Most of us are aware of our
imperfections. No I don’t mean crooked noses or teeth. I’m talking about things such as anger, hate, greed, malice,
lying, and deceit. We’ve all been there.
Isaiah 59:12 explains my sin as it really is. Before
a God that is perfect they are piled up. Like my dirty laundry it is just piled
before me. They testify to the person
that I am without Christ.
a God that is perfect they are piled up. Like my dirty laundry it is just piled
before me. They testify to the person
that I am without Christ.
Because of my sins, I deserve a consequence, a
penalty. The penalty before me is death.
penalty. The penalty before me is death.
On the cross God extended His Grace to me. He looked
at my pile of dirty laundry and He said I will make it white as snow. And He
laid it upon His Son. What do I deserve
for the choices that I have made? What do I deserve for all that has piled up
before my Lord?
at my pile of dirty laundry and He said I will make it white as snow. And He
laid it upon His Son. What do I deserve
for the choices that I have made? What do I deserve for all that has piled up
before my Lord?
I certainly don’t deserve God’s forgiveness. This is
God’s Amazing Grace! Because God is merciful (He doesn’t give me what I do
deserve, which is death) He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins, to
take my place. Because God is graceful (Grace
is when God gives us what we don’t deserve) I can live in eternity with Him in
God’s Amazing Grace! Because God is merciful (He doesn’t give me what I do
deserve, which is death) He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins, to
take my place. Because God is graceful (Grace
is when God gives us what we don’t deserve) I can live in eternity with Him in
Mercy = God doesn’t give me what I deserve. Grace =
God gives me what I don’t deserve
God gives me what I don’t deserve
He doesn’t give me death even though I deserve it
(Mercy). He offers me life eternally with Him (Grace). That my friends is a
(Mercy). He offers me life eternally with Him (Grace). That my friends is a
We experience Mercy and Grace from others so we can
see these two things played out in our everyday lives.
see these two things played out in our everyday lives.
Mercy may look like this. You go speeding through town 10 mph over the
speed limit, police officer pulls you over, and because he is merciful (doesn’t
give you what you deserve) the police officer doesn’t give you a ticket.
Instead he smiles at you and lets you drive off with a warning.
speed limit, police officer pulls you over, and because he is merciful (doesn’t
give you what you deserve) the police officer doesn’t give you a ticket.
Instead he smiles at you and lets you drive off with a warning.
Grace may look like this. You show up late for work,
you sit and text your friends all day long, and you take extra-long breaks.
Because your boss is graceful (gives you what you don’t deserve) you get a
raise even though you are not receiving any “Worker of the Year” awards.
you sit and text your friends all day long, and you take extra-long breaks.
Because your boss is graceful (gives you what you don’t deserve) you get a
raise even though you are not receiving any “Worker of the Year” awards.
Grace and Mercy. Both rely on a God that loves you
more than your sin. He did what it took to stand in your place. You see when
Christ came to dwell among us He was full of grace but not at the cost of not
speaking truth.
more than your sin. He did what it took to stand in your place. You see when
Christ came to dwell among us He was full of grace but not at the cost of not
speaking truth.
Truth is, we are sinners but grace wins because
Christ died on the cross in our place.
Christ died on the cross in our place.
What a glorious day!
Comment below. Tell us your story of mercy and grace
from your loving Father or share with us how you have experienced grace and
mercy from those around you.
from your loving Father or share with us how you have experienced grace and
mercy from those around you.
I'm stopping by from Tell His Story.
It's always good to have a reminder of what grace and mercy mean for our lives. Thanks for sharing!
Jen @ Being Confident of This
Thanks for stopping by Jen and joining in the conversation.
Beautiful Jaime! And so full of truth.
Thank you Susan for stopping by. It is always nice to see your smiling face. Thank you so much for the encouragement.