I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope that your heart was filled with gratitude for all that you have been given.
In, “Do We Have a Thankful Heart”, I discussed the idea that it is easy for us to be thankful for the many things that we are given and to express our thanks on a holiday. We looked at the idea of being thankful and expressing it beyond our holiday and the time of Thanksgiving. If you have not read that blog entry, check it out.
It is easy for the feeling of gratitude to wear off. Please reflect with me over the holiday week, weekend, day, or however you celebrated your Thanksgiving.
Personally, I had the most spectacular holiday week. I got together with relatives from far and wide. I saw family that I had not seen in several years, family that I don’t get to see very often, and we got to meet a new little member of our family. Wow! What a reason to praise the Lord and have thanksgiving in my heart.
We were able to spend time on more than just Thanksgiving day. We got together and played games, I got to spend some time dress shopping with my aunt and cousin (you looked beautiful by the way), and we just sat around and laughed and giggled. It was so great. I think this was one of my favorite holidays ever.
On Thansgiving day, we went to my parents house where there were fourty family and friends that met. Some people were thinking, where are all of these people going to fit? Some tried hiding in an exclusive room where no kids would be allowed. Others just sat in the middle of it all to take it all in. Isn’t it funny how there are so many different personalities in a family.
At one point in the night, I was in the basement below all of the celebrations. I was just listening to everyone. There was such love and laughter in the conversations. I couldn’t quite make out what everyone was saying but I could hear happiness and joy in everything that was going on. The kids were all gathered in one place playing. In one room there was more quiet conversations. In probably the smallest room, the most people gathered and laughed and joked. I just thanked the Lord for the opportunity to be a part of one of His many blessings- family.
Then, they all left, they had to go back to their lives and we had to go back to ours. So now where do I get find that feeling of pure joy that I was getting on that day? Surely I could reflect and remember those times but that feeling, I want that feeling. It is hard to sometimes see God’s blessings, especially if you are not looking for them.
Psalm 92:1-2 says: 1 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. 2 It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfullness in the evening.
The theme of Psalm 92 was be thankful and faithful every day. This song was used in the Temple services on the Sabbath. The song that flowed from there lips was a song that flowed from their hearts. It was a song thanking Him for His unfailing love and His faithfullness. Praise God for His unfailing Love, especially in a world that fails us in so many ways.
So what is your every day like? I know what my life has been like since last Thursday. Everyone in my house has been a bit tired from all the festivities and tensions have been on high and patience have been on low.
I know your saying right now, “How do I give praise and thanks in those moments, when I feel like I am doing all I can to survive the moment.”
Some of you may be saying, “when is tomorrow going to come because I am done with this day.” I know I have told my kids this on many occassions, “Go to bed, your day is done.”
I want to celebrate every day!
How about you?
Come celebrate with me.
I have been trying. I mean, you may have to be intentional about this. You may have to go out of your way. You may have to go one step further than you feel like you have might for. You may have to come with that little mustard seed.
Here is a secret. One you can share. You come. You show up with your little bit and God will meet you there. You come and show up with you all and you will never regret it.
I know He has been meeting me there, whether I show up with my all or with just what I have left. He mets you there so you know it is all from Him and not of your power.
Because of Him, I have felt more positive, I have felt more loving. I have been feeling more patient, and I have been able to find more joy in all my moments. I know it is all from my Loving Father. I showed up and He met me there with His Blessings
Here is our challenge. Thank God every day. Let the words that come off your lips be those of thanksgiving For the next week or two, intentionally look for all the blessings that He has given you and praise Him for what you see. See what a difference it makes in your life.
Please return to my facebook or blog page and post what God is doing for you when you go looking for Him and praise Him every day for ALL He does for you. This would be great encouragement for me and for all who read it. I thank you and love you for being a part of this journey with me.
With a heart of thanksgiving, have a amazing week!
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