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Who Will Fill My cup?
As I traveled from person to person, thing to thing, place to place, I reached out my hand that contained my empty cup. I did not know how it was going to be filled. Maybe, with reinforcements or positive affirmations. Maybe, it would be filled with attention or promises of love. Sometimes at the risks of having it full, I would even allow it to be filled with the lies and dreams of a future or better tomorrow.
“I’ve spent so much time and energy over the course of my life reaching out to others with the hope or expectation that they might love me, fix me, heal me, or even need me. So many times I cried in anguish for what others could not give or fix. But just at the time, I thought my cup was full, I would look down to see all the contents had escaped and once again I was empty.” (page 65)
“We only have one healer and He is Jesus Christ. He is the one to whom we should run with our pain, our fear, our loneliness, and our desperation. He stands waiting in that place of solitude to heal us, to free us, to strengthen us.” (page 65)
Our hearts were never meant to be filled with anything or anyone, except Jesus!
Lisa Murray‘s new book, Peace For A Lifetime, is now available! And I am so excited to be able to share a bit of it here with you. As part of Lisa’s launch team (I was given a copy to read) Thanks to Lisa’s generosity, I am able to give a copy away. The thing I love about this book is it is not just another self-help book, it is full of God-centered healing.
This is a book that you will want in you own personal library, so sign up to win or get a copy today!
Lisa is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in spiritual, emotional, and relational healing. As a result of her own personal and professional experiences, Lisa is passionate about helping others find wholeness and healing.
This is open to US Residents, 18 years and older.

Thank you for posting and linking up. I try to read and comment on as many of these wonderful posts as I can and as time allows. I just want to say you are all doing wonderful work and praise the Lord that I have had the opportunity to come across the path of so many of you.
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Woot! Woot! Us nightowls are up together tonight! 🙂 How fun that we both were on Holley and Lisa's tours!! Love it! And your post is so beautiful and true. Jesus is the only One who can fill our cups and seep in all the cracks. Looking to others will eventually cause our world to crash because they can never be all that we need.
Hugs, my friend!
Thank you so much,Lori! How Funny to see your comment this late. What a fabulous book this is. What a bonus of being in this blogging community to get to read these great books and side-by-side with our friends. I hope that you are feeling better. Have a great week!
Thank you for hosting!
You are welcome! I am glad you are here, Debbie.
Hi there! Found you on the Christian Blogger Community FB page 🙂
Love your blog…and the party – thanks for hosting it! Please consider adding it to our Link Party directory here at…
Have an amazing week – see you next time!!
Hi Pat. Thank you for connecting with us here. I have added my link to your directory so I hope we will see you back next week. I have also linked up with your site. Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like an excellent book, Jaime! Thanks for sharing and for hosting! Hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend 🙂
This is such a good book Kelly. The giveaway will post up tomorrow. I hope you will stop back by and sign up. I know there are several other places giving this book away thanks to Lisa's generosity.
Very cool, Jaime! Thanks for sharing your awesome party with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope you have a wonderful week 🙂
Always happy to connect, friend!
Jaime, thanks for hosting and for sharing Lisa's book. Hugs! Susan
I am so glad to see you linking up with us weekly. Thank you also for giving a great place to visit.
This post resonates so powerfully with me, as I also have done the same in the past. Thanks to God that He kept pursuing my heart!
Tammy, I am so glad that we could connect. Truth be told we all seek other sources of fulfillment. Sometimes it takes those things truly letting us down before we realize we are looking in the wrong place. Hallelujah He doesn't give up on us. Have a great week. I hope we see you again.
Hi Jamie, thank you for hosting and the giveaway too.
Blessings to you
Thank you so much, Ifeoma. I am glad that you are here. I look forward to reading your posts this week.
Great post Jamie! Happy to be your neighbor on the #RaRaLinkup! 😀 Thanks for hosting the giveaway. This looks like a great abook!
Sorry the giveaway is not available yet. I forget the waiting period on this version. Glad you have stopped by from #RaRaLinkup!
Looks like a great book.
I think that the world thinks that they can fill your cup but only inner peace can.
This is such a fantastic book Patrick. I am excited to be able to give one away. I hope that you will stop back by. This is such a great book for everyone!
Hi! I'm visiting from the #TellHisStory linkup today! Thanks so much for this encouraging post! What a great reminder to always go to the true source of Life for all of our needs 🙂
Jordan, I am glad that you are visiting from Hazel's site. I am glad that you were encouraged by this post. I hope it encourages people to seek the true source of hope in Jesus Christ.
Thank you for this open, honest, and transparent post! So true, when we run to Jesus we find that He is the answer we need, the Prince of Peace, constantly filling us up! Many blessings to you!
Yes, the Prince of Peace. Bringing Peace to our desperate heart. Thank you so much for stopping by Beth. I am always glad to see you.
Loved this book as well Jaime! So excited that you're giving away a copy 🙂
Yes, there are a couple of other giveaways, I also saw. Share with your friends. It is a great opportunity to get a copy in their hands. Thank you for stopping again this week. Happy to connect.
Peace is like a river, and the Holy Spirit is a gusher springing up from within and flowing out to others bringing them peace as well. Thank you for sharing your blog party and the book Peace for a lifetime, with us here at Tell me a Story.
I can't say it enough, it is a fantastic book. What I love most about it was it was God-centered. The true source of, like you said, a gusher springing from within. With Christ, we have the power living inside us with the Holy Spirit to bring us to this place. Thank you for coming Hazel.
I love the story of the woman who came to the well. It always thrills me to think of her walking to the well just like she did every day — not knowing this was the day that would change her life. I'm eager to read "Peace for a Lifetime."
An unexpected encounter with the Prince of Peace. How Amazing! Clearly, Life-changing. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with is today!
I've heard so much about this book over the last two weeks! I hope Lisa's book reaches many women who really need Jesus's healing touch. Thank you for sharing, Jaime!
It has been fantastic. I have enjoyed it all and want to go through it again and really dig deeper. Thank you so much for sharing with us today!
You are right only He can fill our cups. I love your cup picture.
Thank you much for coming over today! That empty feeling we often get can quickly be checked by who we are expecting to fill our hearts.
Hey Jaime,
Love this post today. So thankful that Jesus is the only One who can fill the deep places and hurts in our hearts!
I've shared your post today.
I also have a question for you. Would you mind emailing me so I can email my questions??
Thanks so much,
Thank you for the encouragement, Melanie. It is great to connect with you. I am glad to have the opportunity to meet other believers. I am with you. I am glad Jesus can fill those deep spaces of our hearts, otherwise where do we put our hope?
This sounds like a really good book. So grateful He's there to fill our cup each day.
You are right, Laura. It requires a daily filling. Otherwise, we begin to get low and possibly look for other way to get a fill-up. Thank you for stopping by. We hope to see you back again.
Recently, I was pondering how I can look not just to God for fulfillment, but also other sources – a clean home; friends to drink coffee with; a happy family in church on Sunday morning; etc. I walked on my own toes to say the least. Reading your post here goes right along with the thoughts I have been having. Such wisdom and encouragement. Thank You! It is always a pleasure to read your words!
Leigh Ellen, We have all walked that path. Where we can fulfill those spaces that seem to go empty. Christ wants all of us, even in those other activities that we are doing. We can do all for His Glory and get closer to Him in the process. So thankful you are sharing your heart with us here today!
I know who fills my cup! Happy you are sharing this with others at my party today. Always a pleasure to see your posts each week. Enjoy your party too.
I am so glad to hear that, Michelle. It is amazing to know the true source of the fountain. Thank you for sharing your space with us. I look forward to connecting weekly.
Yes, Jesus is the only One who can fill our cup, Jaime. I'm so glad you came to that understanding and also that you've shared your story with such vulnerability. We all can relate to it. Thanks also for sharing Lisa words and recommending her book. Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the linkup, my friend!
Beth, thank you for the encouragement. Putting our life in the light will help us to be healed by The Light. Thank you for stopping by every week. It is always great to hear from you.
Thanks for this inspiring and encouraging story! I am going to come back and link up! Thanks for linking up at Family Joy Link UP!!
Laura, I am so glad you have joined us this week. Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I hope we see you back this week linking up with us.
Jaime, I love your cup graphic! I saw it somewhere else last week too – and of course the message you convey that only Christ can fill our cup with His true peace. Good thoughts to ruminate on!
I'm going to use this as one of my 3 features from last week tomorrow on Tuesday Talk! Thanks for always stopping by! 🙂
Thank you so much, Ruthie. I am glad to be connecting. It is a great group. Thank you for the feature. It is much appreciated! I hope the words resonate daily with all of us. We are in need of a Father who can supply all our needs! Have a great week!
Peace is something that I find most days with Jesus. When I lose sight of Him and worry, I can lose that piece though. It is something I am praying through.
It sounds like this book would be a good fit, Mary. The thing I keep emphasizing is, this is a God-centered approach to healing and peace. That is vital because He is our hope. He is the Prince of Peace and He will heal us from the inside out. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart.
It is amazing to talk with Jesus, how much weight is lifted off our shoulders. Such a peaceful feeling!
Thanks Jaime for your inspiration.
Have a blessed day!
So glad you stop by Karren. This comment made me go straight to the rest and relaxation I get when I am resting in the Lord! Glad You're Here, Friend!
Wasn't Lisa's book awesome! I enjoyed the review and what amazes me is how we all get something unique, affirming and encouraging out of reading Lisa's words. I need to keep it handy to read over and over because there is so much in there that a one-time read through is probably not enough.
Thanks for linking up at #GraceMoments!
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your story and for linking up with the LMM Link-up!