My grandma always inspires me. Today, I am sharing her testimony. The testimony of a mother’s heartache turned to peace through Jesus.
I grew up in the upstairs apartment of my Grandma and Grandpa. I loved being there. They were so very special to me.
My grandpa could be found regularly reading his Bible and outside honking his horn as he waited impatiently to get us to church on time.
To be honest, I never considered my grandma’s faith. She always seemed like the support crew to my grandfather. She was always at church. Always serving in many capacities. Always supporting whatever my grandpa was leading.
But their testimonies reveal a very different picture.
As I have learned over the years, she was the catalyst to their faith. My grandpa shares in his testimony how my grandma “nagged him into heaven.” She says in spite of her nagging God did what He does and turned my grandpa’s heart toward Him.
I have had the privilege to sit with her so many times and pour over scriptures. She is my mentor and greatest friend. I often say that she is a walking concordance because if I need to know where something is in the Bible, a quick phone call and a bit of deliberation and I will be pointed in the right direction.
Yesterday, I had the honor of sitting down with her to type out her testimony. Dashes and all. She read it allowed as I typed. We both sat in tears, as we usually do because we are constantly moved by the glory that God brings to dark… Share on XGet to Know Our Story: A Mother’s Testimony – From Heartache to Peace
My grandma grew up during the Great Depression. Times were hard and beyond my understanding. I remember the stories of her picking up cabbage off the railroad tracks so they would have a bit of food to eat. I remember her stories of how people were kind to them and helped them with things. But nothing moves me more than how God preserved her to show His light through her for generation after generation.
She was my confidant during one of the most difficult times in my life. The time when my husband and I lost our twins. In a few moments, when you read her testimony, you will see how her grief was my saving grace.
So last night, I called my grandma and asked her if I could share her testimony. Although hesitant at first, after encouraging her about how much her own testimony could bless others she quickly agreed.
Friends, if you have a testimony. Don’t keep it inside of you. Many times we may think our story isn’t exciting enough or it is too personal. But it is the hope that Jesus has given you that is so important.
I think that as you read this you will be encouraged, as I always am, about how a gracious God can turn a heart of stone into flesh. He can take our brokenness and turn it into peace. He can comfort those places in our hearts that were made only for Him.
If you are hurt, feel broken, or incomplete by what this life has to offer then I want to introduce to Jesus through the words of my grandmother.
Just share your story!
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15
Before you get started, I want to encourage you with one more thing. A testimony is someone’s story. Your testimony is your story. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to point to Jesus. I loved how my grandma didn’t care if it was perfect. I love how she wanted it preserved in her own voice and style, and I just love how she felt compelled to share.
A Mother’s Testimony: Heartache to Peace
The year was 1951 – Dec 16th a tiny precious baby girl was born to my husband and I. Twenty seven and a half hours later she slipped away from us. That left an impact on my life that I can not talk about sometimes to this day – the period that followed was the darkest of my life – because of my guilt and the feeling that God was punishing me by taking my baby it almost drove me over the brink – such depression I wondered why I was even alive – the first six weeks after her death I did not eat or sleep – at my checkup my doctor told me to go to work – that eventually the work would wear me out instead of my nerves and he was right that did help some.
Sometime after that, I asked George to go to church with me – I just had to find peace somewhere! What followed was nine years of doing everything I could to be good – trying hard to do what was right but always failing. The pastor would say be perfect even as I am perfect – me be perfect – what a laugh – I couldn’t even be good enough for me let alone a holy perfect God.
In 1953 I had Lori – what a sweet baby – so pretty – just like a doll – was I happy? Sometimes – did I have peace? No! In 1954 I had Lylie and Linda who was stillborn – another sweet little girl and even though we only got to keep one of the twins it was a happy time – I had so much any woman would have been completely happy wouldn’t she?
March 17 my husband was injured at work – very bad!
I was due to deliver another baby and it was a very stressful time not knowing if my husband would lose his arm or not – but on the 18th sure enough, I started labor – oh no not now! I need to be with George but baby was not going to wait – I delivered about 6:41 pm a beautiful 10 lb 5 oz baby boy!
So I had my hands full – Lori was 2 years 5 months – Lylie was 1 year 5 months – a new baby and a husband that couldn’t do much with his arm in a cast up to his shoulder. Three babies – a good husband – a nice home – a very busy life – everything to make you happy right? But I was always wanting something and never finding it!
Four years later another baby girl – stillborn – more pain.
By this time we had gone to another church. We had a very good Sunday School teacher. He always taught the lesson and now I know but I didn’t know then he would always weave the gospel into his lessons – one time I heard all afternoon taste and see that the Lord is good – echoing in my head and another time it was like being like a baby and learning to start all over – learn to live all over again – what does it all mean? I am a pretty miserable person – one morning I was home alone all morning – where were my children – I don’t know!
Everything I had ever done began to pass before my eyes – and with many tears, I began to tell God what I sinner I was and he impressed on my heart that Jesus had died for me not for everyone else but me. I asked him to be my savior and take away my sins and make me clean – did he? He said he would and he did! I have felt his presence with me since that day – that was the most important day of my life.
Life does have meaning – life is in Christ and he is in me –
I have eternal life because I have him – everything settled in place for me. In the years since I have had doubts – I have been unfaithful I have failed him many times but he has been with me through it all – patient loving and gently drawing me to the place where he wants me to be.
I know that I do not have to do anything to make him love me he just does – I don’t know why – but I am just so thankful that he does and
I love him.
September 10, 1992
Thanks for joining me on this journey as we read A Mother’s Testimony: Heartache to Peace
You, too, may be feeling a bit hopeless but be assured that we can have hope and assurance in Jesus. We don’t have to feel alone. We don’t have to keep searching for everything else in life to fill us up.
If you would like to talk more about how you can move from heartache to peace, I would love to talk to you. If you feel that there are empty places in your heart that just can’t seem to be filled by anything else, I would like to talk to you about my best friend, Jesus, who has been there with me through it all.
I would love to hear from you in the comments.
Maybe a snippet of your testimony. You can read parts of mine here.
Also, if you are looking to write your own testimony but don’t know where to begin, check out this document that you can print from the CS Lewis Institute, which is a really great resource and can get you started.
Writing your testimony makes it easier to share. Writing out your thoughts beforehand helps you clarify the parts of your story you want to preserve. Not that you have to memorize it, it just helps you be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have in you. (1 Peter 3:15) It is also a great exercise in remembering God’s faithfulness (John 1:17)
If you have a testimony to share, I would love to hear it. I would love to read it. You can email me at Subject: Testimony. They always truly bless my heart.
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A Mother’s Testimony: Heartache to Peace
A mother’s testimony: heartache to peace
Michele Morin has a Mother’s Day link, you should share this. And Happy Mother’s Day Jaime.
Thanks, Rebecca. I will check it out. And Happy Mother’s Day to you as well!
We often don’t think much about our parents and grandparents testimony. About how they found Christ. This is a wonderful story.
Michele Morin’s mother’s day post is on my blog. Please feel free to link up there at our legacy Linkup
Grandma is a true testament. Growing up as a new born and for 44 years, I have watched her Christian faith grow. It has been a great testimony for my family (myself, husband and boys).
Thank you for sharing this Gram.
What a great way to tell the generations of what God has done for them (thinking back to how often the Israelites were told to share the stories with the next generations–when they didn’t, the following generations turned away from the Lord). (BTW, I’d love to be added as a contributor to your pinterest boards–I’ve liked and followed you personally as well Thanks!
Hi, Jaime! Thanks for sharing so much hope in today’s post!
Our testimonies can be such a powerful way to share our faith. I think people tend to look at Christians and think well it’s easy for you to believe in God because you have this picture perfect life … that is until they hear our testimonies! Thanks for sharing.